Update of /cvsroot/x2serv/x2/tools
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv2035
Added Files:
Log Message:
Added a script funa wrote to find defunct data files in CHANS/ (those which are not in chan.dat)
--- NEW FILE ---
# ----------
# x2_parse.pl
# 5-30-01
# David "FUna" Holstein
# ----------
# A script to scan though CHANS/ and compare it to chan.dat, moving any
# unregistered but existing data files to defunct_chans/ directory.
# Create a directory called defunct_chans in the base directory and make sure to
# set the permissions. Then run this bitch and pray.
# NOTE: I believe this is ment to be run from the main x2 directory.. -Rubin
# ----------
# Released under the General Public Liscense http://www.gnu.org
# ----------
# Print a welcome message
print "\n\n";
print "--------------------------\n";
print "X2 Channel Database Parser\n";
print "--------------------------\n\n";
# Define some variables for later
$true = 1;
$false = 0;
# Load chan.dat
print "\n*** Loading chans.dat...\n\n";
open(CHANDAT, "chan.dat");
@chanList = <CHANDAT>;
# Open a directory and load all filenames present
print "*** Loading names of all files in directory\n\n";
opendir(CHANS, "CHANS");
@chanFiles = readdir(CHANS);
# Debug - print chanfiles found.
#for ($i = 0; $i < $#chanFiles; $i++) {
# print "$chanFiles[$i]\n";
# Search for files that are not in chan.dat
# If not found, move them to another folder
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#chanFiles; $i++) {
# Convert channel name to uppercase and add a #
$channelFile = "#" . uc($chanFiles[$i]);
# Set the found flag to false by default
$found = $false;
for ($z = 0; $z <= $#chanList; $z++) {
# Convert channel name from chanList to uppercase.
$channel = uc($chanList[$z]);
# Remove the newline character from the end of the string.
if ($channel eq $channelFile) {
# If the channel is found, set found flag to true.
$found = $true;
# Print message stating it was found.
print "$chanFiles[$i] found in database...skipping.\n";
# If Channel not found, move it.
if ($found == $false) {
# Read the file into memory
open(MOVEFILE, "CHANS/$chanFiles[$i]");
@moveFile = <MOVEFILE>;
# Write to destination
open(MOVEDEST, ">defunct_chans/$chanFiles[$i]");
for ($y = 0; $y <= $#moveFile; $y++) {
print MOVEDEST "$moveFile[$i]";
# Delete the old file
# Print message.
print "$chanFiles[$i] not found, moving to defunct_chans/$chanFiles[$i]\n";
# Let the user know its all over
print "\n\n*** FINISHED!!!!\n\n";
# ----- END -----