Update of /cvsroot/x2serv/x2/source
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv21334
Modified Files:
Log Message:
unbanall should display who did the uba in the same way ub does
Index: commands.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/x2serv/x2/source/commands.c,v
retrieving revision 1.139
retrieving revision 1.140
diff -C2 -r1.139 -r1.140
*** commands.c 2001/03/14 15:22:02 1.139
--- commands.c 2001/03/14 15:37:48 1.140
*** 649,653 ****
sprintf(nuh2, "%s!%s@%d.%d.%d.%d", uptr->Nick, uptr->UserID,
uptr->IP / 65536 / 256 % 256, uptr->IP / 65536 % 256, uptr->IP / 256 % 256, uptr->IP % 256);
- Debug(DBGINFO, "Scanning IP mask %s", nuh2);
if (channel_unban(cptr, nuh) || channel_unban(cptr, nuh2))
--- 649,652 ----
*** 669,672 ****
--- 668,672 ----
send_to_user(uptr, "\002Unbanned everyone on %s.\002", cptr->Name);
+ send_wallchops(cptr, "\002%s unbanned everyone on %s.\002", uptr->Nick, cptr->Name);