
X2J / News: Recent posts

Screenshot added

For what it's worth, there's a screenshot now showing the currently available Recipe example, and the XML pressing the "Save" button produces.

Posted by Aviad Ben Dov 2006-01-16

X2J Examples for Beta 1 are out

Created with NetBeans' Matisse, this example takes a simple three step recipe, annotates it with X2J annotations, and then works with the class normally - Binding to XML, serialization, deserialization, validation and anything else you might want is done for it transparently.

Check out the code or just run the application to see it working.

(Even though it probably would crash at several occassions, with my luck..)

Posted by Aviad Ben Dov 2006-01-15

X2J Beta 1 is out

Still without a proper name, X2J Beta 1 has been released today.
I implore you all to download either the Jar or the Tar.gz files and try them out, and perhaps send some issues and bugs to the issue tracker.

Beta 1’s features:

* Name of POJO and XML element - Names of your POJOs can be generally Anything. To make X2J realise which class it should instanciate for which XML element, you can annotate the class with @Name("myName").
* Elements and Attributes - Your XML elements must have inner elements and attributes. Otherwise, what’s the point? Annotate getter methods with @Attribute or @Element to tell X2J how to treat those elements and attributes, but don’t forget to provide setters as well!
* Java Arrays - Have an array in your class? Have no fear. Annotate the array with @FixedSequence(size) and even with @Name to generate and read the array to and from XML documents as a sequence of XML elements of the array’s type.
* Primitives - Primitives are supported completely and magically, even though they’re not annotated by any X2J annotations.
* Converters - Got a class from the Java framework or a third party software provider? Want to use it in your parsing or serializing? Just annotate it with @Converter(converter.class). An example converting the Calendar class is available as CalendarConverter.
I’m sure there are some stuff I forgot. As for what’s coming:... read more

Posted by Aviad Ben Dov 2006-01-14

Alpha 0.1 is out

Try the code, check the tests, write your own, and make this crash!

Also, offer suggestions - I am definitely not the brightest of the bunch, so help me out here! :)

Posted by Aviad Ben Dov 2005-12-21

X2J Reader almost ready

The X2JReader class is almost ready, and you can see it's usage in the test cases I've included.

The "only" place X2JReader fails in is Arrays. I need to rethink the design of the ElementHandler class. Any ideas would be gratefully accepted.

Posted by Aviad Ben Dov 2005-12-13