


This wiki information has been deprecated. Please visit Magic Lantern Studio Github wiki for current information.

Home Page

Welcome to the Magic Lantern Developer Wiki. This tool will be used to provide documentation concerning the development tasks and methodologies for the Magic Lantern project.

Getting started

To get started with Magic Lantern, the following documentation is availablable.

Using Magic Lantern

The following documentation provides information on how to use the Magic Lantern SDKs and tool chains.

Magic Lantern Development

If you wish to build and/or extend Magic Lantern, the following documentation should prove useful.

Logo Usage

The official icon for the Magic Lantern projects is displayed below.


Developer Wiki: Developer_Documentation
Developer Wiki: Digital_Playprint
Developer Wiki: Digital_Workprint
Developer Wiki: Math_Library
Developer Wiki: Project_Summary
Developer Wiki: Runtime_Engine_Library
Developer Wiki: User_Documentation