
wxShapeFramework / News: Recent posts

wxShapeFramework 1.9.1 released

New version of graphical framework for diagrams' creation and manipulation has been released. The most significant improvements are:
- Implementation of new events emitted from shapes which can be handled by user
- Ability to define a line type in "CreateConnection()" function
- Updated sample projects
- Usage of wxXmlSerializer 1.3.1

For full list of changes see the change log.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2010-01-16

wxSF 1.9 released

wxShapeFramework 1.9 has been released today. This release brings new features like stand-alone lines, orthogonal line connections, significantly improved overall performance and many others improvements and bug fixes. The full list of changes can be seen here:

Note for wxWidgets 2.9.x users: Package published at SourceForge is suitable only for wxWidgets 2.8.x and older. Library version compatible with wxWidgets 2.9.x can be obtained from this SVN brach:

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-11-01

wxShapeFramework for wxWidgets 2.9.x

Due to custom DC classes used by wxSF the current trunk version is not compatible with wxWidgets 2.9.x and higher which provides completely redesigned structure of backend DC classes. Fortunately I've managed re-write this critical code in wxSF so the library now works with wxWidgets 2.9.x as well. Note that some features are as stable and usable as functionality provided by wxWidgets is. Also note that this library branch is suitable only for wxWidgets 2.9.x and may be unstable and buggy on some platforms. You can download the code from SVN branch using this svn command: svn co wxSF-2.9

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-09-11

wxShapeFramework with wxMAC

Hi, I'd like to announce that most of (all?) wxMac related bugs have been fixed in SVN 223 so you can test and used the wxShapeFramework with wxMAC as well now!!!

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-07-16

wxSF 1.8.0 released

I'm pleased to announce that new version of wxShapeFramework library (1.8.0) has been released today. As the version number reveals this release is not just bug fix one but it also brings new exciting features. The main additions are: implementation of new GUI control designed for previewing and navigating the shape canvas (so called 'canvas thumbnail' - see wxSFThumbnail class), definition of orthogonal line shape, diamond and circle arrow and other new features. Also new improved version of wxXmlSerializer (1.2.0) has been used as a library's backend. For full list of changes see the change log.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-06-19

wxSF 1.7.2 released

I'm pleased to announce that wxShapeFramework 1.7.2 has been released today. This release fixes some bugs and possible crashes, brings new API functions for working with grid shapes, improves work with editable text shape, d'n'd and paste events and uses new version of xml serializer (wxXS 1.1.10). For full list of changes please see the change log in a download section.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-04-02

wxSF 1.7.1 released

I'm pleased to announce that wxShapeFramework 1.7.1 has been released today. This release fixes some bugs and possible crashes, significantly improves library's performance and brings some new API functions (for example, user can choose whether DFS or BFS search algorithm should be used during managing of shapes, etc...). See the change log for more details).

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2009-01-02

wxSF 1.7.0 released

I'm pleased to announce that wxShapeFramework 1.7.0 has been released today. In addition to several bug fixes the new release brings also new features and enhancements like optional usage of wxGraphicsContext class (antialiased and semi-transparent drawing is now possible!), significantly improved lines drawing speed, improvements in grid shapes, etc. For full list of changes please see the change log in a download section.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-12-05

wxSF 1.6.2 released

wxShapeFramework 1.6.2 (together with wxXmlSerializer 1.1.7) has been released today. This release fixes some bugs and brings new features like flexible grid shape (wxSFFlexibleGridShape). For more detailed information see the change log in the download section.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-10-07

wxSF 1.6.1 released

wxShapeFramework version 1.6.1 has been released today. The main changes are:
- new wxSFGridShape has been added,
- new wxXS 1.1.6 is used,
- connection lines can be docked to any point of shapes (thus line arrows doesn't point strictly to the shape's center anymore),
- wxSFControlShapes has been improved and fixed,
- wxSFDemo and wxSFSample4 projects have been improved to demonstrate new features,
- some important bug fixes have been applied.... read more

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-09-27

wxSF 1.6.0 released

It is my pleasure to inform you that a new version of wxShapeFramework (1.6.0) has been released today. This version is not only bug fix release but it also brings new cool features like printing and print preview, shadows under shapes or special shape able to manage GUI controls. It also includes modified or completely new samples illustrating the new features. For full list of these features and bug fixes please see the change log.... read more

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-06-02

wxSF 1.5.2 released

wxShapeFramework 1.5.2 has been released today. It is mainly bug fixes release but also some new features (like new bakefiles-based build system) have been added. For more details see the change log.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-02-22

wxSF 1.5.1 released

The wxShapeFramework v1.5.1 was released today. This release fixes some small issues and bring some improvements as well as new nice features. The biggest change is that it now supports wxWidgets library build with the wxUSE_STL option. For more details see the change log.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2008-01-25

wxSF 1.5.0 released

wxShapeFramework 1.5.0 has been released today. This release fixes some issues but it is mainly new features release. The most important (and interesting) changes and features are:
- Drag&Drop implementation
- Significantly increased performance and drawing speed
- New (faster) implementation of the Undo/Redo (on option)
- New shape and canvas styles for better customization of the library behaviour
- Possibility to define canvas gradient background
- Implementation of wxXmlSerializer 1.1.2
- and much more...... read more

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-12-28

wxSF 1.4.0 released

I'd like to inform you that a new version of the wxShapeFramework has been released today. The release is both bug fix and new features release. The main changes are: new improved version of wxXmlSerializer is used (a compatibility with the previous version is preserved), headers files structure is in accordance to the standard wxWidgets directiories' structure, a new build system (premake) is used for creation of build files (Code::Blocks, MS Visual Studio 2005 and GNU makefiles are currently supported for both Windows and Linux platforms). For more details see the change log.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-11-23

wxSF 1.3.1 released

New version of wxSF library has been released. This is mostly the bug fix release, but some new features are provided as well. For more details see the change log in the download section.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-09-27

wxSF 1.3.0 released

the wxSF 1.3.0 has been released today. This release contains many new features, bug fixes and improvements and is tested on both MS Windows and Linux target platforms. For full list of changes see the release notes and change log in the Download section.


Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-09-09

wxSF 1.3 beta will be released soon!

it's a quite long time from my last release so I'd like to give you some news about the project's progress.

I'm just finishing a new, completely rebuild, library's release. It is build over my new persistent XML list/tree-base serializable data container (called wxXmlSerializer) which brings more power and flexibility to all library's functionality. The new wxSF release also supports user-defined serialized data assigned to the shapes, allows creation of so called 'composite shapes' and is well tested both on the Windows and Linux target platforms.... read more

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-09-08

wxSF 1.2.2 released

This is a bug release where following problems have been solved:

- Fixed ability to work with shapes without need of existing shape canvas.
- Improved testing of invalid pointers among main framework's components (shape base, shape canvas and diagram manager) and thus whole library stability.

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-08-02

wxSF 1.2 released

wxShapeFramework v1.2.0 alpha has been released today. This release contains several new features and API functions and the main change (improvement, I hope :)) is that data and presentation layers have been separated. From now, the diagram items (shapes) are managed by wxSFDiagramManager class which is suitable for data serialization and examining of the digram structure, and the presentation layer allowing displaying and in-place modifying of diagram structure is provided by old wxSFShapeCanvas class. This approach is useful for cases when the diagram should be serialized or changed even if it is not displayed (shape canvas is no created yet).

Posted by Michal Bližňák 2007-07-27