
Can't build with bakefiles

  • DekarGuy

    DekarGuy - 2009-09-28

    Using nmake, I am unable to build wxShapeFramework

    <code> nmake -f WX_DEBUG=0 WX_UNICODE=1 WX_SHARED=1 WX_MONOLITHIC=0 </code>

    is what I am trying to build, but it fails
    LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\lib\vc_lib\wxcode_msw28ud_wxsf.lib'
    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN\link.EXE"' : return code '0x450'

    if I try changing it to a static library build

    <code> nmake -f WX_DEBUG=0 WX_UNICODE=1 WX_SHARED=0 WX_MONOLITHIC=0 </code>

    it crashes right out of the gate

    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'if' : return code '0x1'

    Are there any known issues with building wxSF on Windows, or could it be a configuration problem?

  • Michal Bližňák

    I've just tried to build wxSF using makefile generated by the bakefile on Windows (with WX_DEBUG=0  WX_UNICODE=1) and everything passed OK. I have MSVS2008 installed on my PC. It looks like you have got broken build environment. Did you try to use project files generated by premake (second available build system shipped with wxSF)? Just run 'create_build_files.bat' (you can modify the required configuration) and open generated project files directly in the VS.

  • DekarGuy

    DekarGuy - 2009-09-30

    Ah ha, found it, we are using wxwidgets through source control, and certain built files weren't checked in, primarily the vc_lib/mswu and mswud files

    I'm building the dlls and libs fine now, but I ran into 2 problems

    1 - it was complaining about missing wxsf.lib in the vc_lib directory if I tried building WX_SHARED=1 (it wasn't using the vc_dll wxsf.lib)

    2 - the samples only build for me with WX_SHARED=0, WX_DEBUG=1 when I am doing WX_MONOLITHIC=1, WX_UNICODE=1, the other variations of WX_SHARED and WX_DEBUG cause a bunch of linking errors with unresolved externals


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