
wxPostgres / News: Recent posts

wxPostgres 0.3.1 released

wxPostgres 0.3.1 have been released. This is a bugfix-only release. Changes:

* Fixed bug: closing connection does not detach all clients.
* Fixed bug: memory leak in Database::run_().

Posted by aurisc4 2009-10-07

wxPostgres 0.3.0 released

wxPostgres have been 0.3.0 released!

Main changes in this release:
* Redisigned bindings to use binding objects instead of callbacks.
* New class wxPg::Grid - a grid for browsing large query results.
* New class wxPg::Updatable_row for updating a single row in table.
* Made possible to use wxPostgres without having libpq-fe.h (required to compile library, not to use it).
* Added Code::Blocks project to compile library.
* New macro wxPG_BIND_HYPERLINK_CTRL_WLABEL to update both Label and URL update in wxHyperlinkCtrl.
* Improved documentation.
* Fixed bug - when field is NULL, clear selection in list controls.
* Fixed bug - get_time() return wrong value for timestamp fields in both Data_row and Cached_result.
* Fixed bug - wrong labels set to wxGrid columns when using Grid_binding in some cases.... read more

Posted by aurisc4 2009-09-05

wxPostgres 0.2.2 released

wxPostgres 0.2.2 have been released. Changes in this release:
* Fixed Query_browser methods fetch() and move(), that made cursor position incorrect.
* Fixed Grid_binding column caption setting, that set wrong captions when no labels
for columns are defined, but columns are defined (bug 2789452).
* Added Query_browser::go_to_record() - move to some record by its index.
* Removed Query::FM_ALL - duplicated the behaviour of FM_FORWARD_ALL.

Posted by aurisc4 2009-06-20

wxPostgres 0.2.1 released

wxPostgres 0.2.1 have been released.
This is a bug fix release.
* Fixed Query_browser methods last(), next() and prev(), behaving wrong in some cases.
* Fixed Cached_result behaving wrong with empty result.
* Updated ambiguous wxHyperlinkCtrl binding macro documentation.
* Added Code::Blocks project to compile library.

Posted by aurisc4 2009-05-08

wxPostgres 0.2.0 released

wxPostgres 0.2.0 have been released.
This new release adds support for prepared statements, make easier to work with very large query results and supports most of wxWidgets controls. See NEWS file in release package for more details.
With this release wxPostgres project gets to alpha stage.

Posted by aurisc4 2009-03-27

wxPostgres 0.1.1 released

A bugfix release for wxPostgres 0.1. This fixes building and few internal bugs.
wxPostgres is a library for integrating wxWidgets GUI toolkit with PostgreSQL database.
This is early release, that is intended for testing purposes only.

Posted by aurisc4 2009-01-18

wxPostgres 0.1 released

First release of wxPostgres.
wxPostgres is a library for integrating wxWidgets GUI toolkit with PostgreSQL database.
This is the first release, that is intended for testing purposes only.

Posted by aurisc4 2008-08-09