Activity for wxMathPlot

  • bouced bouced posted a comment on ticket #14

    Here is a possible patch to fix this issue. Any segment is dropped if both end points are on the same side either of the top, the bottom, the left or the right.

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r106] on SVN

    Updated debian/control to support also Debian 12 Bookworm.

  • bouced bouced created ticket #9

    Adding cpack generation in cmake

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r105] on SVN

    Fix an issue in representation of UTF-8 labels for mpBarChart - missing c_str call.

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r104] on SVN

    Fix an issue in representation of UTF-8 labels for mpBarChart.

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r103] on SVN

    Introduced mpBarChart class to draw bar charts, and a matching new sample.

  • bouced bouced posted a comment on ticket #14

    One solution is to remove the piece of code in charge of plotting only visible segments: lines 650 to 688 of mathplot.cpp@rev102 and just keep dc.DrawLine(x0, c0, x1, c1); and UpdateViewBoundary. The drawback of this solution is that it will plot all segments even if they are not visible. I wonder if detecting the intersection between each segment and one of the window borders is very interesting because it requires a lot of computations as well. Which solution is the best?

  • bouced bouced created ticket #14

    mpFXYVector bug when vector is outside the bounding box

  • Tony Kennedy Tony Kennedy created ticket #5

    Small improvement to zoom in (zoom out as well).

  • Tony Kennedy Tony Kennedy created ticket #13

    Crashes on Windows due to division by zero and log of negative number.

  • Naiche Barcelos Naiche Barcelos posted a comment on discussion Help

    Done, mpFX and mpFXYVector fixed.

  • Naiche Barcelos Naiche Barcelos posted a comment on discussion Help

    Fixed it for mpFY, later I'll fix the others.

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, thanks for the response. By reading the source code, I think to find the closest point, the current implementation of FX, FY, FXYvectors is wrong, I think the FXY is correct(You have to override the function GetNextXY: class MyLissajoux : public mpFXY { double m_rad; int m_idx; public: MyLissajoux(double rad) : mpFXY( wxT("Lissajoux")) { m_rad=rad; m_idx=0; m_drawOutsideMargins = false;} virtual bool GetNextXY( double & x, double & y ) { if (m_idx < 360) { x = m_rad * cos(m_idx / 6.283185*360);...

  • Naiche Barcelos Naiche Barcelos posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Ollydbg, I enabled the issue option on the repo. I'll look into it when I have the time. Is the the problem only with FY? Is it working ok with FXYvectors?

  • ollydbg ollydbg modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Naiche Barcelos, here is another issue of your code, I wrote it in the issue of my fork See here with a screen shot: Find the nearest point on the FY, the current method is not correct · Issue #2 · asmwarrior/wxMathPlot-TrackBox BTW: the previous issue is also wrote as: How to find the nearest point in FXYVector? · Issue #1 · asmwarrior/wxMathPlot-TrackBox

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Naiche Barcelos, here are another issue of your code, I wrote it in the issue of my fork See here with a screen shot: Find the nearest point on the FY, the current method is not correct · Issue #2 · asmwarrior/wxMathPlot-TrackBox BTW: the previous issue is also wrote as: How to find the nearest point in FXYVector? · Issue #1 · asmwarrior/wxMathPlot-TrackBox

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Naiche Barcelos. Since you github repo don't have issue option enabled, I have to wrote it here. In the function std::pair<mpLayer*, wxRealPoint> mpWindow::GetClosestPoint(double x, double y) There are some code snippet: if ((*li)->IsVector()) { mpFXYVector *vect = (mpFXYVector*)(*li); int distX, closestI=0; distX = x - vect->m_xs[0]; //runs through vector looking for the closest X value for (int i = 1; i < vect->m_ys.size(); i++) { if (abs(x - vect->m_xs[i]) < distX) { distX = x - vect->m_xs[i];...

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    BTW: I have asked the original question in wx forum, see here: wxTipWindow vs wxToolTip used inside wxMathPlot class Someone replied to that question, and he suggest that I should use the native tip window. (The good_tip screen shot)

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Naiche Barcelos, thanks for the reply. I will try your github code repo, and I see you made a good contribution to wxMathPlot. The TrackBox is a feature I'm expecting for many years. I'm grad that you already implemented it.

  • Naiche Barcelos Naiche Barcelos posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi ollydbg, if you're interested, I've done lot of changes to the way wxMathPlot shows that window, I've called it TrackBox and I made it so you can bind its appearance to any mouse button. The code is available at

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is the good tip.

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    I uploaded the "bad_tip" window(the code in first place) and "good_tip" (the code in second place) window screen shots as attachments. The good tip screen shot will be uploaded in another post.

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    I see currently there are two tooltip related code which are comment out, I just try to enable it, but it does not work quite well. The first place: In this function: void mpWindow::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event) if (m_coordTooltip) { wxString toolTipContent; toolTipContent.Printf(_("X = %f\nY = %f"), p2x(event.GetX()), p2y(event.GetY())); wxTipWindow** ptr = NULL; wxRect rectBounds(event.GetX(), event.GetY(), 5, 5); wxTipWindow* tip = new wxTipWindow(this, toolTipContent, 100, ptr, &rectBounds);...

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r102]

    Library installation path on Linux resulted to be empty in CMake file. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r101]

    Removed comment line which seems to disturb some builds. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r100]

    Remove forced installation of library in lib64 under Linux. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r99]

    Adding debian/source/format file to support building on latest Ubuntu 22.04. CD-RON77

  • ollydbg ollydbg posted a comment on discussion Help

    Any idea on how to implement this feature? I also need such feature, while I see there is no simple way to handle this. See my reply here: Reverse Y-Axis in wxMathplot —

  • bouced bouced created ticket #12

    Minor issues in CMakeLists.txt

  • Hristijan Hristijan modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I would like to have an x-axis and y-axis where their 0's start at the center of the frame. Also, the increment and decrement of both rulers should be by 30. I have a sample drawing of this as an attachment. How do I translate this in code? Thank you! EDIT: I managed to get this working by providing the limits to the Fit() function, like so: Fit(-180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 90.0);, now I am still unsure about the gap/increment/decrement -- it seems like it is calculated based on the window size.

  • Hristijan Hristijan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Update: Resizing the image seemed to helped clear out the error: ./src/gtk/bitmap.cpp(988): assert "rect.x >= 0 && rect.y >= 0 && rect.x + w <= bmpData->m_width && rect.y + h <= bmpData->m_height" failed in GetSubB itmap(): invalid bitmap region However, the ./src/gtk/bitmap.cpp(924): assert "IsOk()" failed in GetWidth(): invalid bitmap Is still there on startup.

  • Hristijan Hristijan posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to load an image using mpBitmapLayer. mpBitmapLayer *bitmapLayer = new mpBitmapLayer(); wxImage *image = new wxImage("/some/path/image.jpg", wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG); bitmapLayer->SetBitmap(*image, 0, 0, 100, 100); bitmapLayer->SetAlign(mpALIGN_CENTER); However, I get the following errors: ./src/gtk/bitmap.cpp(924): assert "IsOk()" failed in GetWidth(): invalid bitmap ./src/gtk/bitmap.cpp(988): assert "rect.x >= 0 && rect.y >= 0 && rect.x + w <= bmpData->m_width && rect.y + h <= bmpData->m_height"...

  • Hristijan Hristijan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I would like to have an x-axis and y-axis where their 0's start at the center of the frame. Also, the increment and decrement of both rulers should be by 30. I have a sample drawing of this as an attachment. How do I translate this in code? Thank you!

  • Hristijan Hristijan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you, that worked. :)

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on ticket #4

    Hello, you are right, repository trunk contains a lot of fixes and updates for latest wxWidgets (I've built up to 3.1.4 currently), and the distributed release was outdated. I released 0.2.0 last week to get in sync, and I hope to make some code and build cleanup in the near future.

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, you should use an mpBitmapLayer for that. Just put it at the bottom of the layer stack (so add it as first layer).

  • Hristijan Hristijan posted a comment on discussion Help

    The title pretty much sums up my question. If I want to plot latitude/longitude, I would like to have the Earth's 2D map under the plot as a background image. Is this possible?

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r98]

    Cleanup of CMake warnings.

  • wxMathPlot wxMathPlot released /wxmathplot/0.2.0/

  • wxMathPlot wxMathPlot released /wxmathplot/0.2.0/

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r97]

    Updated version files and changelogs for release of 0.2.0.

  • bouced bouced created ticket #4

    New release

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r96]

    Fix install command for Windows cross-building using MinGW. CD-RON77

  • Albert Albert posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks I can compile now.

  • Anton41 Anton41 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I used wxmathplot a long time ago. It is great the someone still cares about it. But for testing it now I just added mathplot,cpp and mathplot.h to my project. I had to change some wxDOT to wxPENSTYLE_DOT. Same for brushes. But after that it compiled and ran as expected with the mp1.cpp. I used the trunk/mathplot, following cdron77's recommadation to Sergey Goncharov on 2020-03-02in the discussion list. Den tors 14 maj 2020 kl 01:22 skrev Albert Thanks for your comment....

  • Albert Albert posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your comment. Is build sequence correct?

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I normally use wxMathPlot with wxWidgets 3.1 and MinGW. It is not an issue, but please use the the latest SVN version, because prebuilt packages are outdated. If you experience other issues, feel fre to write them here.

  • Albert Albert modified a comment on discussion Help

    maybe wxMathplot is not compatible for wxWidgets 3.x.x. give up.

  • Albert Albert posted a comment on discussion Help

    maybe wxMathplot is not compat ible for wxWidgets 3.x.x. give up.

  • Albert Albert modified a comment on discussion Help

    I would like to use wxMathplot. But I have few comile erros when I built this. I want to know how to solve this. sorry to bother you. [Environment] MinGW (Compiler) wxWidgets 3.1.3 (GUI Lib) Code::Blocks (IDE) [What I Did] 1. Download wxMathplot 2. Go to wxMathplot folder 3. cmake-gui 4. Click generate 5. Check and set path to option 6. Click generate 7. make //mingw [problem] I got some erros

  • Albert Albert posted a comment on discussion Help

    I would like to use wxMathplot. But I can not how to start. I want to know how to solve this. sorry to bother you. [Environment] MinGW (Compiler) wxWidgets 3.1.3 (GUI Lib) Code::Blocks (IDE) [What I Did] 1. Download wxMathplot 2. Go to wxMathplot folder 3. cmake-gui 4. Click generate 5. Check and set path to option 6. Click generate 7. make //mingw [problem] I got some erros

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just read this. I added a second mpScaleY, but the scale appears identical to the primary y-axis. I The code I have written is: Header file: #ifndef MATHPLOTWND_H #define MATHPLOTWND_H #include "../mathplot.h" #include "BuildArrays.h" class mpWindow; class Example_8_WorkFrame; class MathPlotWnd { public: MathPlotWnd(BuildArrays& plotData, mpWindow* mpWnd); virtual ~MathPlotWnd(); void createMathPlot(); void updateMathPlot(); protected: private: mpScaleX* xaxis = new mpScaleX(wxT("Time(s)"),...

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just read this. I added a second mpScaleY, but the scale appears identical to the primary y-axis: The code I have written is: Header file: #ifndef MATHPLOTWND_H #define MATHPLOTWND_H #include "../mathplot.h" #include "BuildArrays.h" //class IncomingData; class mpWindow; class Example_8_WorkFrame; class MathPlotWnd { public: MathPlotWnd(BuildArrays& plotData, mpWindow* mpWnd); virtual ~MathPlotWnd(); void createMathPlot(); void updateMathPlot(); protected: private: mpScaleX*...

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just read this. I added a second mpScaleY, but the scale appears identical to the primary y-axis: The code I have written is: Header file: #ifndef MATHPLOTWND_H #define MATHPLOTWND_H #include "../mathplot.h" #include "BuildArrays.h" //class IncomingData; class mpWindow; class Example_8_WorkFrame; class MathPlotWnd { public: MathPlotWnd(BuildArrays& plotData, mpWindow* mpWnd); virtual ~MathPlotWnd(); void createMathPlot(); void updateMathPlot(); protected: private: mpScaleX*...

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just read this. I added a second mpScaleY, but the scale appears identical to the primary y-axis: The code I have written is: Header file: #ifndef MATHPLOTWND_H #define MATHPLOTWND_H #include "../mathplot.h" #include "BuildArrays.h" //class IncomingData; class mpWindow; class Example_8_WorkFrame; class MathPlotWnd { public: MathPlotWnd(BuildArrays& plotData, mpWindow* mpWnd); virtual ~MathPlotWnd(); void createMathPlot(); void updateMathPlot(); protected: private: mpScaleX*...

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I just read this. I added a second mpScaleY, but can't plot anything to it. The code I have written is: Header file: #ifndef MATHPLOTWND_H #define MATHPLOTWND_H #include "../mathplot.h" #include "BuildArrays.h" //class IncomingData; class mpWindow; class Example_8_WorkFrame; class MathPlotWnd { public: MathPlotWnd(BuildArrays& plotData, mpWindow* mpWnd); virtual ~MathPlotWnd(); void createMathPlot(); void updateMathPlot(); protected: private: mpScaleX* xaxis = new mpScaleX(wxT("Time(s)"),...

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I think that it should be a matter of adding a second mpScaleY layer with a different scale factor and a different position flag (mpALIGN_RIGHT and mpALIGN_LEFT for example). But probably you need to derive a new class to set a different scaling factor. I hope this helps. CD-RON77

  • Paul Gasson Paul Gasson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I've been using Mathplot for a while. I've hit a snag though.. I'd like to plot a couple of vectors to a secondary axis. I've looked through the documentation, but can't seem to find a way to do this. If anyone has any ideas, would be great. Thanks, Paul

  • Sergey Goncharov Sergey Goncharov posted a comment on discussion Help

    I feel a little uneasy that I have to bother you again, but the graphic still asks questions in the answers to which I am not sure . It asks wxWidgets_LIB_DIR? I say - G:/wxWidgets/lib , It asks wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR? I say - G:/wxWidgets , It asks wxWidgets_wxrc_EXECUTABLE? - in this place, I find it difficult to tell, maybe there is an instruction as for example on the site In the end, I click "Generate" and of course I get an error - " wxWidgets,...

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    The library builds also on Windows without Cygwin. README file refers to the build procedure that should work on POSIX systems. Under Windows I suggest to use graphical version of CMake and select proper compiler from there. I did not test recent Visual Studio, but it worked until 2012 version.

  • Sergey Goncharov Sergey Goncharov posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you, I downloaded it from your link , but the manual READMR says that you need a POSIX system, but I have Windows, I need to try installing it through Cygwin or some other way. Sincerely Sergey.

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Please download the trunk/mathplot folder, sandbox branch is very outdated (2007).

  • Sergey Goncharov Sergey Goncharov posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, thanks for the answer. Could you give me a solution to my problem I Installed wxWidgets-3.1.3, built it in the win32 configuration, downloaded to the neighboring directory "", unpacked,, went to the directory where the Makefile file is located, executed the command - "make" in the command line and received the following error - >make g++ -c -wall 'wx-config --cxxflags' matplot.cpp -o matplot.o g++: error: 'wx-config: No such file or directory...

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, there was a page with instructions somewhere, but I can't find it now. Anyway, probably it is outdated, so I summarize it here. wxMathPlot uses CMake as build tool, to generate project files for different compilers according to user needs. You also need wxWidgets configured in your compiler in order to build (see this page for install instructions). Currently I use MinGW as cross compiler for Windows, so I did't test latest versions of Visual Studio, but basically, copy wxMathPlot SVN version...

  • Sergey Goncharov Sergey Goncharov posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi friends, tell me how to install wxMahtPlot under Windows or give a link to the instructions. Thank you in advance for your help.

  • cdron77 cdron77 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Tilen, I believe the best solution for you is to get a pointer to the popup menu item using the method mpWindow::GetPopupMenu() Using that reference you get a standard wxMenu ( ) object, which you can manipulate adding and removing items and their callbacks. THis way you can remove standard "Fit" action and add your own. CD_RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Tilen, I believe the best solution for you is to get a pointer to the popup menu item using the method mpWindow::GetPopupMenu() Using that reference you get a standard wxMenu ( object, which you can manipulate adding and removing items and their callbacks. THis way you can remove standard "Fit" action and add your own. CD_RON77

  • Tilen Tilen posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone! In my wxPanel, I have inserted two graphs (along with other things). For the upper one I did not specify any axes limits (I just used mygraph1->Fit();), but for the lower one, I specified axes limits with mygraph2->Fit(100,700,0.7,12);. This works fine, however, I have one problem: Whenever I right click on the lower graph and click Fit, it changes axes limits to standard limits ( not the 100,700,0.7,12 that I specified). I realise that this is the consequence of the OnFit function...

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r95]

    Force lib64 as needed. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r94]

    Updating Base.spec. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r93]

    Still updating RPM build. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r92]

    Change Spec file. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r91]

    Updated RPM and DEB builds. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r90]

    Updated debian/control file to add compatibility with Ubuntu 18.04. CD_RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r89]

    Fixed bug when saving screenshots when not in white background: taxt elements were always printed in black. CD-RON77

  • GeY GeY modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello all, Does anyone know how to reverse y-axis in wxMathplot? Currently, my Y-Axis starts from 0 at the bottom and goes up to the max value (for example 100) on the top. Is there a function or method to make the Y-Axis to start at the max value (100) from the bottom and go up to 0 on the top? I attached a picture for reference. Thank you! GeY

  • GeY GeY posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello all, Does anyone know how to reverse y-axis in wxMathplot? Currently, my Y-Axis starts from 0 at the bottom and goes up to the max value (for example 100) on the top. Is there a function or method to make the Y-Axis to start at the max value (100) from the bottom and go up to 0 on the top? I attached a picture for reference. Thank you! py

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r88]

    Adding the option to printout date and time data using gmtime instead of localtime. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r87]

    Implemented formatting mouse coordinate display in the same way as x axis using time formats. Removed some gcc build warnings. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r86]

    Introduced item mode in mpInfoLegend, to draw a square instead of a line in legend, which is more clear. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r85]

    Final fix for mpInfoCoords rectangle size on Windows. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r84]

    Try to fix visualization of mpInfoCoords on Windows with recent versions of wxWidgets: force increasing y size of rectangle. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r83]

    Try to fix visualization of mpInfoCoords on Windows with recent versions of wxWidgets. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r82]

    mpScaleX labels: under WIN32 platform time_t is 32 bit signed, so dates has to be checked to be valid to avoid crashes. This is subject to 2038 bug, but should be avoided on 64 bit builds. CD-RON77

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r81]

    Fix X scale: if X axis is set to date/time format, avoid negative values, which are not recognized by Windows. Initialized coords in mpScaleY to avoid flooding valgrind outputs of warnings. CD-RON77

  • Jose Augusto M. de Andrade Jr Jose Augusto M. de Andrade Jr modified a comment on discussion Help

    Sample 1 runtime error: ../src/gtk/window.cpp(4754): assert "sb" failed in SetScrollbar(): this window is not scrollable -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -pthread -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-3.0 -lwx_gtk2u_webview-3.0 -lwx_gtk2u_html-3.0 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-3.0 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-3.0 -lwx_gtk2u_core-3.0 -lwx_baseu_xml-3.0 -lwx_baseu_net-3.0 -lwx_baseu-3.0

  • Jose Augusto M. de Andrade Jr Jose Augusto M. de Andrade Jr posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sample 1 runtime error: ../src/gtk/window.cpp(4754): assert "sb" failed in SetScrollbar(): this window is not scrollable

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r80]

    Merged modifications with repository. Davide

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r79]

    Update for building on Debian 9 Stretch.

  • cdron77 cdron77 committed [r78]

    Fixed checking of wxWidgets version on example ...

  • dave dave posted a comment on ticket #11

    I too cannot build this at all, mostly due to the wxLog-related errors, using wx3.02...

  • Adrien Descamps Adrien Descamps created ticket #11

    Compilation error on ::wxErrorLog calls

  • Alexander Hirzel Alexander Hirzel posted a comment on discussion Help

    In mathplot.cpp, change all references from "::wxLogError" to "wxLogError". This...

  • WoFo WoFo modified a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Experts, I'm trying to compile the examples against wxWidgets 3.0, and I am...

  • WoFo WoFo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear Experts, I'm trying to compile the examples against wxWidegets 3.0, and I am...

  • orbitcowboy orbitcowboy created ticket #10

    [PATCH] Initialize member variables in constructor

  • orbitcowboy orbitcowboy created ticket #9

    [PATCH] Fix wrong text position setting

  • Byron Byron modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For those who are interested in logarithmic scales, maybe this function will get...

  • Byron Byron modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For those who are interested in logarithmic scales, maybe this function will get...

  • Byron Byron modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    For those who are interested in logarithmic scales, maybe this function will get...

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