
#247 NameError: name'config' is not defined, etc.


Nice to meet you.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check it because an error occurred when using it for the first time.
The usage environment is as follows.

Python 3.9.9
wxPython 4.1.1
Windows 10

PS C:\Users\user> & C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe
Python 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

... Entry point of wxGlade
... @copyright: 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio
... @copyright: 2013-2016 Carsten Grohmann
... @copyright: 2016-2020 Dietmar Schwertberger
... """
'\nEntry point of wxGlade\n@copyright: 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio\n@copyright: 2013-2016 Carsten Grohmann\n@copyright: 2016-2020 Dietmar Schwertberger\n@license: MIT (see LICENSE.txt) - THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARRANTY\n'

import atexit
import codecs
import logging, os, sys, gettext, optparse

Use a NullWriter with Unicode support (encoding attribute) to catch and

drop all output in PyInstaller environment (standalone Edition)

Fix for PyInstaller bug #1324

if hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and not hasattr(sys.stderr, 'encoding'):
... class NullWriter(object):
... softspace = 0
... encoding = 'UTF-8'
... def write(args):
... pass
... def flush(
... pass
... sys.stdout = NullWriter()
... sys.stderr = NullWriter()
t = gettext.translation(domain="wxglade", localedir="locale", fallback=True)

avoid problems with "_" in builtins being replaced:

def my_displayhook(value):
... if value is not None:
... print(repr(value))
sys.displayhook = my_displayhook
import common, config, compat, log
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'common'
def parse_command_line():
... "Parse command line"
... # list of all available languages; don't load code generators at this point!!
... languages = ['C++', 'XRC', 'lisp', 'perl', 'python']
... # inject
... optparse.OptionParser.format_description = lambda self, formatter: self.description
... version = ("wxGlade version %s\n"
... "Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Alberto Griggio\n"
... "Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Carsten Grohmann\n"
... "Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Dietmar Schwertberger\n"
... "License MIT: The MIT License\n"
... "") % config.get_version()
... usage =
("Usage: wxglade <wxg file=""> start the wxGlade GUI\n"
... " or: wxglade <options> <wxg file=""> generate code from command line\n"
... " or: wxglade --version show programs version number and exit\n"
... " or: wxglade -h|--help show this help message and exit")
... parser = optparse.OptionParser( add_help_option=False, version=version, usage=usage )
... parser.add_option('-h', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', help=('show this help message and exit'))
... parser.add_option("-g", "--generate-code", type="choice", choices=languages, metavar="LANG", dest="language",
... help=
("(required) output language, valid languages are: %s") % ", ".join(languages) )
... parser.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="PATH", dest="output",
... help=("(optional) output file in single-file mode or output directory in multi-file mode"))
... parser.add_option("-c", "--use-config", dest="rc_file",
... help=
("use specified wxgladerc config file instead of the default one") )
... options, args = parser.parse_args()
... # print epilog because OptionParser.epilog isn't available to Python 2.3
... if
... parser.print_help()
... print( ( "Example: Generate Python code out of myapp.wxg\n\n"
... " wxglade -o -g python myapp.wxg\n\n"
... "Report bugs to: or at\n"
... "\n"
... "wxGlade home page:") )
... sys.exit()
... # Make an absolute version of path.
... # According to the invoking dir of wxGlade (which can be different
... # from '.' if it is invoked from a shell script).
... if len(args) == 1:
... filename = args[0]
... if filename.startswith("file://"): filename = filename[7:]
... if not os.path.isabs(filename):
... filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
... filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(filename))
... options.filename = filename
... else:
... options.filename = None
... # check parameters
... # - language
... # - one file -> cmdline code generation
... # - no / > one files -> usage
... # - no language -> start gui
... if options.language:
... if len(args) == 1:
... options.start_gui = False
... elif len(args) == 0:
... msg =
("No wxg file given.\n")
... logging.error(msg)
... parser.print_help()
... sys.exit(msg)
... else:
... msg = ("Too many wxg files given.\n")
... logging.error(msg)
... parser.print_help()
... sys.exit(msg)
... else:
... options.start_gui = True
... # check output path
... if options.output:
... options.output = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(options.output))
... return options
def command_line_code_generation(filename, language, out_path=None):
... """Starts a code generator without starting the GUI.
... filename: Name of wxg file to generate code from
... language: Code generator language
... out_path: output file / output directory"""
... from xml_parse import CodeWriter
... try:
... if language not in common.code_writers:
... raise ValueError('Code writer for "%s" is not available.'%language)
... writer = common.code_writers[language]
... CodeWriter( writer=writer, input=filename, out_path=out_path )
... except errors.WxgBaseException as inst:
... logging.error(inst)
... sys.exit(inst)
... except Exception:
... logging.error(
("An exception occurred while generating the code for the application.\n"
... "If you think this is a wxGlade bug, please report it.") )
... logging.exception(('Internal Error'))
... sys.exit(1)
... sys.exit(0)
def _guiless_open_app(filename):
... """Load a new wxGlade project
... GUI-less version of main.wxGladeFrame._open_app().
... Returns True if successful."""
... import time
... from xml.sax import SAXParseException
... from xml_parse import XmlWidgetBuilder, XmlParsingError
... error_msg = None
... infile = None
... start = time.time()
... common.root.clear()
... common.root.init()
... try:
... try:
('Read wxGlade project from file "%s"'), filename )
... input_file_version = None
... if not isinstance(filename, list):
... common.root.filename = filename
... # decoding will done automatically by SAX XML library
... if compat.PYTHON2:
... infile = open(filename)
... else:
... infile = open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF8")
... if hasattr(infile, "seek"):
... # try to read file version number from the first few lines
... import re
... version_re = re.compile(r"<!-- generated by wxGlade (\d+).(\d+).(\d+)(\S)\s")
... for n in range(3):
... match = version_re.match( infile.readline() )
... if match:
... major, minor, sub, extension = match.groups()
... input_file_version = (int(major), int(minor), int(major), extension)
... break
... else:
... common.root.filename = None
... p = XmlWidgetBuilder(filename, input_file_version)
... if infile is not None:
... p.parse(infile)
... else:
... p.parse_string(filename)
... filename = None
... except (EnvironmentError, SAXParseException, XmlParsingError) as msg:
... if config.debugging: raise
... if infile is not None:
... error_msg = ("Error loading file %s:\n%s") % (filename, msg)
... else:
... error_msg =
("Error loading from a file-like object:\n%s") % msg
... except Exception as inst:
... if config.debugging: raise
... if filename:
... fn = os.path.basename(filename).encode('ascii','replace')
... msg = ('loading file "%s"') % fn
... else:
... msg =
('loading from a file-like object')
... error_msg = ("%s: %s" % (msg, inst))
... finally:
... if infile and filename:
... infile.close()
... if error_msg:
... common.root.clear()
... common.root.saved = True
... logging.error(error_msg)
... return False
... if common.root.is_template:
..."Template loaded"))
... common.root.template_data = template.Template(filename)
... common.root.filename = None
... end = time.time()
... logging.debug(
('Loading time: %.5f'), end - start)
... common.root.saved = True
... #common.property_panel.Raise()
... duration = end - start
... if filename:
... logging.debug( ("Loaded %s in %.2f seconds") % (os.path.basename(filename), duration ))
... else:
... logging.debug(
("Loaded in %.2f seconds") % duration )
... return True
def command_line_code_generation(filename, language, out_path=None):
... """Starts a code generator without starting the GUI.
... filename: Name of wxg file to generate code from
... language: Code generator language
... out_path: output file / output directory"""
... import application, tree
... # Instead of instantiating a main.wxGlade() object, that is
... # derived from wx.App, we must do the equivalent work. The
... # following lines are taken from main.wxGlade().OnInit() and
... # main.wxGladeFrame.init()
... common.init_preferences()
... common.root = app = application.Application()
... # Now we can load the file
... if filename is not None:
... b = guiless_open_app(filename)
... if not b:
... sys.exit(1)
... try:
... if language not in common.code_writers:
... raise ValueError('Code writer for "%s" is not available.'%language)
... common.root.generate_code(out_path=out_path)
... #except errors.WxgBaseException as inst:
... #if config.debugging: raise
... #logging.error(inst)
... #sys.exit(inst)
... except Exception:
... if config.debugging: raise
... logging.error(
("An exception occurred while generating the code for the application.\n"
... "If you think this is a wxGlade bug, please report it.") )
... logging.exception(('Internal Error'))
... sys.exit(1)
... if not config.testing:
... sys.exit(0)
def init_stage1(options):
... """Initialise paths for wxGlade (first stage)
... Initialisation is split because the test suite doesn't work with proper initialised paths."""
... config.version = config.get_version()
... common.init_paths(options)
... # initialise own logging extensions
... log.init(filename=config.log_file, encoding='utf-8',
... level='DEBUG' if config.debugging else 'INFO')
... atexit.register(log.deinit)
... # print versions
('Starting wxGlade version "%s" on Python %s'), config.version, config.py_version )
... # print used paths
... logging.debug(('Base directory: %s'), config.wxglade_path)
... logging.debug(
('Documentation directory: %s'), config.docs_path)
... logging.debug(('Icons directory: %s'), config.icons_path)
... logging.debug(
('Build-in widgets directory: %s'), config.widgets_path)
... logging.debug(('Template directory: %s'), config.templates_path)
... logging.debug(
('Credits file: %s'), config.credits_file)
... logging.debug(('License file: %s'), config.license_file)
... logging.debug(
('Manual file: %s'), config.manual_file)
... logging.debug(('Tutorial file: %s'), config.tutorial_file)
... logging.debug(
('Home directory: %s'), config.home_path)
... logging.debug(('Application data directory: %s'), config.appdata_path)
... logging.debug(
('Configuration file: %s'), config.rc_file)
... logging.debug(('History file: %s'), config.history_file)
... logging.debug(
('Log file: %s'), config.log_file)
... # adapt application search path
... sys.path.insert(0, config.wxglade_path)
... sys.path.insert(1, config.widgets_path)
def init_stage2(use_gui):
... """Initialise the remaining (non-path) parts of wxGlade (second stage)
... use_gui: Starting wxGlade GUI"""
... config.use_gui = use_gui
... if use_gui:
... # import proper wx-module using wxversion, which is only available in Classic
... if compat.IS_CLASSIC:
... if not hasattr(sys, "frozen") and 'wx' not in sys.modules:
... try:
... import wxversion
... wxversion.ensureMinimal('2.8')
... except ImportError:
... msg = ('Please install missing Python module "wxversion".')
... logging.error(msg)
... sys.exit(msg)
... try:
... import wx
... except ImportError:
... msg =
('Please install missing Python module "wxPython".')
... logging.error(msg)
... sys.exit(msg)
... # store current version and platform ('not_set' is default)
... config.platform = wx.Platform
... config.wx_version = wx.version
... if sys.platform=="win32":
... # register ".wxg" extension
... try:
... import msw
... msw.register_extensions(["wxg"], "wxGlade")
... if not os.path.exists(config.rc_file):
... config.inform_screen_reader = msw.check_for_screen_reader()
... except ImportError:
... pass
... # codewrites, widgets and sizers are loaded in class main.wxGladeFrame
... else:
... # use_gui has to be set before importing config
... common.init_preferences()
... common.init_codegen()
def run_main():
... "This main procedure is started by calling either or wxglade.pyw on windows."
... # check command line parameters first
... options = parse_command_line()
... # initialise wxGlade (first stage and second stage)
... init_stage1(options)
... init_stage2(options.start_gui)
... if options.start_gui:
... # late import of main (imported wx) for using wxversion in init_stage2()
... import main
... main.main(options.filename)
... else:
... command_line_code_generation( filename=options.filename, language=options.language, out_path=options.output )
if name == "main":
... run_main()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 4, in run_main
File "<stdin>", line 12, in parse_command_line
NameError: name 'config' is not defined


  • Dietmar Schwertberger

    It looks to me as if you try to run wxglade by executing the code in something like a shell window.
    Please run wxGlade e.g. by double-clicking the file or by a command line
    ' C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe'

  • GAM

    GAM - 2021-12-18

    thank you.

  • Dietmar Schwertberger

    • status: open --> closed

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