
wxGhostscript - class + PS IDE/debugger / News: Recent posts

wxGhostscript & IdePS version 0.4 (beta) released

wxGhostscript is a cross-platform library for integrating Ghostscript into a GUI application and IdePS is an editor/debugger which makes it a lot easier to write and debug PostScript procedures. This is the first time a tool of this kind has been made available to work with Ghostscript, and its cross-platform nature means that Ghostscript-based applications can be made much more widely available.

A number of minor bugs have been fixed both in IdePS and wxWindows (in moving to v2.4.2). No major bugs have been discovered, hence the move from alpha to beta status.

Posted by Nigel Hathaway 2003-10-17

wxGhostscript & IdePS version 0.1 (alpha) released

wxGhostscript is a cross-platform library for integrating Ghostscript into a GUI application and IdePS is an editor/debugger which makes it a lot easier to write and debug PostScript procedures. This is the first time a tool of this kind has been made available to work with Ghostscript, and its cross-platform nature means that Ghostscript-based applications can be made much more widely available.

Posted by Nigel Hathaway 2003-07-17