
#64 Watch project files for changes


wxFormBuilder should watch the project file for changes, while its open. If the project file has changed it should reload the whole project automatically.

Let's say you have 2 developers working on the same c++ project. The project includes a wxFormBuilder project file with all frames, panels and dialogs of the application and is stored in a SVN repository.

  1. Developer 1 commits a changed version of the fbp-file to the SVN repository, while Developer 2 is adding a new dialog to his working copy of the fbp-file.
  2. Developer 2 tries to commit his changes and gets an error, because he has to update his working copy before commit changes.
  3. Developer 2 updates his working copy, while the fbp-file is still open in wxFormBuilder (the fbp-file is merged correctly, but wxFormBuilder still works with the old version)
  4. Developer 2 rebuilds the project in order to see if the changes of Developer 1 causes any problems
  5. Developer 2 makes some changes in wxFormBuilder (i.e. fix some border widths or something like that) and saves the changed file.
  6. Developer 2 commits his changes.

PROBLEM: Developer 2 removes the changes of Developer 1 in step 5 and commits it to the SVN repository, which breaks the changes of Developer 1 (maybe removes a very complex dialog from the project file).

If wxFormBuilder watches the project file and reloads it in step 3, this can be avoided.

Would be nice if you can add this feature to one of the next wxFormBuilder versions.
