
Work continues on wxDockIt...

I have taken a little break since releasing v1.4. Life is busy, not just for coding :o)

However, I'm back working on it and hopefully I've got another developer interested too. I've currently been fixing little glitches in the 1.4 release and also have received VC6 project files to include in the next release (thanks Landon!).

I have also been doing prelimilary investigations into a 'themed' toolbar/menu system for wxWidgets (using the skills/code from wxDockIt). This would be like the toolbars/menus found in Microsoft Outlook/Office... but of course, cross-platform-able.

I have been looking at C# and .NET recently, and although it's go some good things about it - wxWidgets is still the best choice IMHO :o) That's why my support to extend and improve the capabilities wxWidgets will continue.

Bye for now.

Posted by Mark 2004-09-11

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