
wxExtended Libraries / News: Recent posts

The end of wxDockit, but something to look at...

It's quite clear that none of the developers of wxDockIt (me especially!) have any time to contribute to it any more. Sad? Maybe. But that's life, from my point of view just too many things I've got to do I'm afriad.

I'm still interested in the wx library and community. It's in use at my workplace and lots of people seem to really like wx. Be interesting to see what happens with the advent of Vista.... read more

Posted by Mark 2006-07-07

Finally, a new release!

Just a quick note to say that I've bascially taken the latest CVS source and release v2.1 of wxDockIt. There may be some bugs, glaring mistakes or whatever - but I thought it better to finally, get another god damn release out!

Posted by Mark 2005-07-23

wxDockIt still lives!

Although I've not been able to dedicate much time to wxDockIt in recent months, there are other people helping me out and there is still work going on - a new release is very close.

There is a second admin to the project now - Francesco. And also, two new mailing lists..

More new to follow.

Posted by Mark 2005-05-08

wxdockit_2.0.1 released

This release adds VC6.0 compiler support and fixed some linking issues with wxWidgets 2.4.2.

Posted by Mark 2004-11-21

wxdockit_2.0 released

2.0 contains significant changes since 1.4, although the user-API has had minor changes. The main additions are MDI support and the initial GTK port (without any makefiles as yet).

Please report any unknown bugs (see releaseNotes.txt) as soon as possible.

Posted by Mark 2004-11-08

Development news...

wxDockIt is getting a lot of work (improvements/bug fixes) at the moment as I'm needing to use it in a real-world MDI application.

I'm also getting help from a number of other people, which is very good!

I am also trying to get an initial GTK+ port going at the moment, but I'm having to learn Linux before I can get anywhere with this!

A new release is on it's way soon.

Posted by Mark 2004-10-20

Work continues on wxDockIt...

I have taken a little break since releasing v1.4. Life is busy, not just for coding :o)

However, I'm back working on it and hopefully I've got another developer interested too. I've currently been fixing little glitches in the 1.4 release and also have received VC6 project files to include in the next release (thanks Landon!).

I have also been doing prelimilary investigations into a 'themed' toolbar/menu system for wxWidgets (using the skills/code from wxDockIt). This would be like the toolbars/menus found in Microsoft Outlook/Office... but of course, cross-platform-able.... read more

Posted by Mark 2004-09-11

wxdockit_1.4 released

1.4 is now available. The main change in this version is the drawing compatibility with (wxMSW) wxWidgets 2.5.1 and above. This release has been tested with both wx2.4.2 and wx2.5.2.

Posted by Mark 2004-06-26

wxWtlLib on the horizon...

I have nearly completed the first version of the WTL wrapper library for wxMSW. This library is to wrap up specific components that are available by using WTL and packaged them for use as standard wx component (obviously wxMSW only).

The first control is a wrapper for the MS Rebar.

Posted by Mark 2004-06-05

wxextended_1.3 update

I have added a wxSlideBar class which acts a bit like the MS Rebar control. Of course, I hope this control can be used on non-MS platforms ;o) The code is generic wx.

Posted by Mark 2004-06-05

wxExtended is now wxDocking, and it's now version 1.2

To avoid a huge library, covering may different areas, most of what is currently wxExtended is now wxDockIt.

This change is make the library purpose more obvious and also to prevent it getting bloated. Also, a handfull of smaller libraries is easier to maintain development of.

The docking framework of wxExtended_1.1 has been improved and is now known as wxDockIt_1.2. The experimental wxRebar/wxCommandbar components from wxExtended were far too wxMSW specific and have been removed from wxDockIt (the source is still available in wxExtended_1.1 if you want it).... read more

Posted by Mark 2004-05-21

wxextended_1.1 update

A partial [compiles only the docking framework] MingW32/GCC makefile for the wxExtended is now available. Thanks to Francesco for this!

Posted by Mark 2004-05-16

wxextended_1.0 available!

wxExtended is now officially available for public download. I was pondering ironing out a couple of minor bugs with the docking panels before release, but I thought it better to release it in it's current state now - rather than wait maybe another week until the bugs were dealt with.

Included in the package is the test project I have been using to test the docking system with (wxTestApp).

Posted by Mark 2004-05-08

Up and Running!

The project is registered and ready to go! I'll be uploading the source in it's current state within a couple of days.

Posted by Mark 2004-05-03