
wxWidgets Dialog Designer / News: Recent posts

Important notice

Dear user of wxDevC++:

We were informed about some unscrupulous people repackaging wxDevC++ and selling it as their own work under the ironic name of "Creative C++". If you happen to be interested in that software or a similar case we haven't heard of, or know someone who does, please be advised or help inform others that wxDevC++ is FREE software, and that the original authors deserve at least the recognition for their work. These unauthorized copies offer nothing over the real wxDevC++ distribution, and given the dishonest background of the people behind them you cannot trust that the repackage does not contain treats to the security of your machine or data.... read more

Posted by Esteban 2010-04-11

7.1 Fix release

If you prefer to use wxDevC++ IDE deactivating the wxdsgn RAD we'll recommend you to use this updated version, since we fixed a crash that occurred when switching the bottom tabs on the first run. Though, a weird behavior couldn't be addressed at this time (these tabs don't show their captions on the first run if the designer is not enabled), but after the second run it's OK.

We also fixed the wxWidgets projects paths if you enable the designer after using the IDE without it. So, nothing big, but recommended anyway.

Posted by Esteban 2009-10-11

Version 7.0 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of wxDev-C++ version 7.0.

Version 7.0 is a substantial step forward from the already popular wxDev-C++ 6.10. Most notably, the IDE source has been rewritten using an API "plugin" system so that the user can run wxDev-C++ either with or without the visual designer.

Our primary focus in this release was to try to make a more stable IDE. With over a year of release clients, we hope we have succeeded. As always, if you have any problems, please make use of our bug tracker on Sourceforge.... read more

Posted by Tony Reina 2009-09-01

7.0 RC5 released

Some important issues were found in our last release, so here we are again, hoping that we can deliver a very stable 7.0 version when we release it. Again, you can download the latest release candidate from

Important changes from the RC4 version:

-Improved support for wxAUI components.
-More work on Find/Replace dialog problems.
-Fixed errors when opening/creating non wxWidgets projects.
-Improved wxRichTextCtrl component
-Fixed crashes when editing components events.
-Updates to some languages, courtesy of our contributors (thanks for the help!).
-Updated SynEdit component, plus some fixes makes for a more stable undo/redo system.
-Red color for the matching brackets feature
-Fixed issues with the project layout not saving properly.
-Fixed issues with filters in open dialogs.
-Support for files in different folders in a single project.

Posted by Esteban 2009-03-17

7.0 RC4 released

Well, RC3 was not enough, since important bugs were found afterwards, and some late minute features got their way into the 7th release of wxDevC++. You can download the latest release candidate from

Some important changes we'd like you to test:

-Full screen and maximize in multi-monitor setups (the window was not filling the whole space before RC4).
-Non project files compilation
-Opening the IDE from .dev or other registered wxDevC++ files.
-Compilation with parameters
-wxAui component support
-"Replace All" function
-Custom menues support for limited user accounts.... read more

Posted by Esteban 2009-01-13

7.0 Release Candidate 3 released

The "hopefully" final release candidate for wxDev-C++ 7.0 has been released. You can grab it from the downloads section on the website:

Some of the important scenarios we'd like you to test:

-Open Save dialogs behaviours, specially in Vista.
-Taskbar switching, specially in Vista and when there are modal dialogs.
-Fullscreen mode (there is a known problem with labels on the bottom panels)
-Floating designer
-VS2008 support; in XP, Vista and Vistax64
-Code completion

Posted by Esteban 2008-11-19

6.10.2 released

6.10.2 is mainly a bug fix release plus the upgrade of wxWidgets to 2.8.2.

Fixed several memory leaks from Dev-C++
Splitter window code generation bug (1632878)
Private resources not generated at project load (1622858)
Output directories created too eagerly (1611923)
Made object directory “Objects”
Multiple sizer alignment flags now allowed
*Empty project -> no .dev file created bug (1611895)... read more

Posted by Tony Reina 2007-03-21

wx-DevC++ 6.10 released

The wx-Dev-C++ team is proud to announce the release of version 6.10. In this release we begin support for multiple compiler profiles with the addition of MS VC++ 2005, 2003, and VC6 profiles in addition to the traditional Mingw gcc support. The installer package provides one-stop shopping for a complete C++ IDE that includes pre-built wxWidgets libraries for Mingw gcc and VC2005 compilers along with extensive documentation and examples. Give it a try today!

Posted by Tony Reina 2006-11-01

6.10 released

The wx-Dev-C++ team is proud to announce the release of version 6.10. In this release we begin support for multiple compiler profiles with the addition of MS VC++ 2005, 2003, and VC6 profiles in addition to the traditional Mingw gcc support. The installer package provides one-stop shopping for a complete IDE that includes pre-built wxWidgets libraries for Mingw gcc and VC2005 compilers along with extensive documentation and examples. Give it a try today!

Posted by Tony Reina 2006-11-01

6.9beta released

6.9 beta is released. Lots of new features and lots of bug fixes.

Posted by Tony Reina 2006-02-01

Beta 6.7 Released!

The wx-devcpp team is proud to announce release 6.7beta.

Release 6.7 beta contains the following new features/ bug fixes.

1) Merged Dev-C++ Code base(now supporting GNU GCC 3.4 compiler
2) Latest wx-Widgets library 2.5.4 (UpCase & Malcolm Nealon)
3) Support for Custom File Names in Project Creation.(Tony)
4) Support for wxSplitterWindow.(Guru)
5) Support for Enum Based Control ID.(Guru) 1 (see below)
6) wxHtmlWindow event Bug Fix.(Guru)
7) Now Sizers can be added in a frame even if we already dropped a toolbar
or statusbar or popupmenu.(Guru)
8) Fixed Bug #1162774 - Window or Sizer controls are not fully visible when
toolbar or statusbar are in the frame.(Guru)
9) Ability to specify wx's standard ID for the Controls.(Guru)
10) Fix for running wx-devcpp in multiple instances.(Guru)
11) Fixed a nasty bug where the form keeps growing big when a Window control
is dropped into a Sizer.(Guru)
12) Options to manipulate the Designer Form Options (like snap to grid, grid
size etc).(Guru)
13) Designer Components Alignment Options (To Grid, Vertical, Horizontal
etc) (Tony).
14) Small mods in Mal's tutorial help file (Tony & Malcolm Nealon)
15) Dev-cpp project files for all the wx sample files (Malcolm Nealon)
16) Updated CVS source usage for collaboration. (Tony & Marek).'
17) Gnu Debugger (gdb) has been upgraded to version 6.3. (Tony)... read more

Posted by Tony Reina 2005-03-21

User tutorial now on-line

Mal (NinjaNL) has put his new user tutorial for wx-devcpp on the SourceForge document site (

Be sure to check it out.

More docs to come.

Posted by Tony Reina 2005-03-01