

  • GunDe.Pong

    GunDe.Pong - 2007-12-16

    Whether you are tired of those filling in the past behavior of the desktop rigid procedures?
    You procedure has been aware of the need for intelligent?
    You need a dynamic, can jump, can it be said that the Agent. (Like Microsoft Agent)
    You need to have a intelligent, open-source, cross-platform framework Agent!
    This framework should use wxWidgets + C + + to produce to achieve cross-platform and the achievement of high efficiency.

    This framework project called wxAT and has been adopted by the SourceForge.Net.
    The project site is
    Now that the project is the planning phase, we also need to address the following questions:

    1. Variable and function names means (I suggest that the use of the name means wxWidgets)
    2. Code format (ANSI is no doubt my favorite)
    3. Class how to use the framework of abstract by the Agent. (This is the most important and can not be avoided)
    4. Category and determine the relationship between the types of inheritance and class relations. (I think we should wxWidgets, identified a core categories, such frameworks that are conducive to the future expansion)
    5. Agent framework on this data structure.
    6. Agent how this framework to add animation effects and broadcast sound effects.
    7. Above-mentioned effects and animation and sound effects should be how, and in what format memory storage.
    8. How to create a place with the animation effects and the effects of music and how animals kind of virtual storage.
    9. Future changes to the creation of virtual animals animation effects and music effects.
    (Issues 7-9 of the above should create a virtual characters for this design process)

    The moment is these problems. Future there may be more problems. Please wxAt items discussed at the forum.

    Now the project is in the embryonic stage, need a large number of users and experts to advise and promote the development of the project and participation in this project's development.
    Want to have a disability can be involved.
    Through this last item thank SourceForge.Net

    • Sof.T

      Sof.T - 2007-12-18

      I am interested in this project as I had ideas of creating something similar myself.

      I would say that the api and classes would benefit from being similar to Microsoft's agent API. The reason is that it will be easier for programs who have used the Microsoft API to change. As far as I know such a framework does not exist on any other platform.



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