
Additional features

  • Alon Altman

    Alon Altman - 2002-07-29

    Please consider the following additional features:

    - Support for international character sets and/or unicode: Some providers let you send messages with international character sets, usually limiting the length of the message. In addition, many providers limit the set of characters you may use. I suggest requiring the SMS provider submodules to export the set of unicode characters recognized by the SMS provider, or maybe a hash of charter sets and maximum message lengths for each character set instead of the MAXLENGTH used today. (A fallback may be added for backward compatibility). The sorted provider list should be based on matching characters and incompatible chars chould be tr'd out before sending.

    - The provider should be automatically selected, however the user may supply a "preferred" providers list. Each provider's registration requirements and limits should be available via methods/variables to the outside world. I'm talking about daily(or other) SMS limit, only cellular subscibers can register, free reg required with working email, no reg required, etc.

    - Provide access a standard repository (somewhere in /etc ?) of cellular accounts, and enable account rotation on a systemwide or per-user basis.

    - Provide a decent CLI for sending SMS.

    These features are paritally implemented in my hacked-up sendsms script available at

    • Alexander Amelkin

      I agree on all of that.

      However, speaking of a decent CLI, I think eimSMS is decent enough.


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