
WWW::Myspace / News: Recent posts

Version 0.36 released

Oops. Maintenance release. Same as 0.35 but without the new signature stuff that was breaking the install. I'll put that back in after I test it better...

Posted by Grant 2006-03-22

Version 0.35 released

Version 0.35 of WWW::Myspace was released today. This version adds the new "inbox" method, which allows you to gather up the messages in your inbox. Combine it with the read_message and reply_message methods and you can write your own mail handler.

Although you -can- download the module here, the best way to install it is to simply run "cpan -i WWW::Myspace" on your system. This will automatically install all the modules on which WWW::Myspace depends.... read more

Posted by Grant 2006-03-21

New developers on board

I'm thrilled to announce two "new" developers working on WWW::Myspace - Olaf Alders and Tom Kerswill. I quote "new" as they've both been active in supplying patches in the past, but are now officially part of the development team here on SourceForge. Look forward to some fun new features in the near future.

If you're competent in Perl and are interested in working on this project, please contact me using the link that should be on the upper-right corner of this page.... read more

Posted by Grant 2006-03-21

WWW::Myspace development moved to SourceForge

As you can see, WWW::Myspace has been moved here to sourceforge. It is still, and will continue to be, available on CPAN, and you can simply use "cpan -i WWW::Myspace" to install the module and all prerequesite modules.

Development was moved to sourceforge to allow other interested programmers to work on the module, and to allow those who want to see/use the newest features access to the current source.... read more

Posted by Grant 2006-03-18