
Historical database known problems

Oleg Nizhnik
  1. Breda Ba.27 (first flown in 1933) is armed with Breda-SAFAT machine guns which were developed in 1935. Therefore, earlier versions of Breda Ba.27 had a different armament? Or some of the dates are incorrect?
  2. Berezin UB was developed in early 1941 but Il-4 is listed as having Berezin UB in 1939. Precursor of Berezin UB? (resolved)
  3. Neubaufahrzeug - a German heavy tank - was produced in 1935 but listed as main weapon 7.5cm KwK 37 developed in 1937. Which gun was actually installed on its early prototypes?


  • TheWaltsu

    TheWaltsu - 2017-10-18

    Berezin UB was developed in early 1941 but Il-4 is listed as having Berezin UB in 1939. Precursor of Berezin UB?

    Actually, Il-4 was produced during 1942-1944. It's precursor would be DB-3, which uses 20mm ShVAK cannon and ShKAS machine guns. DB-3 was produced during 1936–1939.


    Last edit: TheWaltsu 2017-10-18
    • Oleg Nizhnik

      Oleg Nizhnik - 2017-10-24

      In this case, bomber Il-4 with Berezin UB is from 26 March 1942, torpedo bomber Il-4T with Shkas and Shvak - 1 April 1940. I am not sure where to draw the line between DB-3 and Il-4, seems naming change was applied even to some of the already manufactured DB-3


      Last edit: Oleg Nizhnik 2017-10-24

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