suresh kandaraj - 2003-01-10

I am just trying to install wvware on a remote linux server using telnet/ssh...When i do 'make' command , i am getting the following error...

gcc  -o wvWare wvWare.o  -L. -lwv -lpng -lz      -lm
./libwv.a(png.o): In function `ReadPNGImage':
/home/prodata/pdmgmt-www/wvware/wv-0.7.4/magick/./png.c:1770: undefined reference to `png_create_read_struct_2'
./libwv.a(png.o): In function `WritePNGImage':
/home/prodata/pdmgmt-www/wvware/wv-0.7.4/magick/./png.c:3496: undefined reference to `png_create_write_struct_2'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [wvWare] Error 1

What's the problem?please Help ..
