
vwWare 1.0 convert Word - Html Images corrupt

  • mic

    mic - 2004-05-05

    A simple Word 2000 or Word XP document with one image in it doesn't convert the images OK when translating to html via vwWare.

    When trying to open up the image I get this error message....
    The image file:///Word2002withImage0.jpg cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    I've tried .jpg and .gif files and get the same error.

    I'm running vwWare on a Windows platform.

    I've seen some questions like this on the forum in the past with no responses.  I'm not sure if I need to create my original docs in an older Windows version or if that matters.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    • Ilkka Huotari

      Ilkka Huotari - 2004-06-05

      I'm experiencing the same...

    • Paul Matthews

      Paul Matthews - 2004-07-06

      Me too. Sourceforge gnuwin32 version outputs pngs that are all unreadable


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