
Version number of NuGet package for Visual Studio 2017

  • Tsuda Kageyu

    Tsuda Kageyu - 2017-02-17

    Hi Nenad,

    Our current NuGet package doesn't work with VS 2017, so I'd like to do a maintenance release of the package to support VS2017.
    I want to pick a version number which won't conflict with the next release of WTL.
    I think that 9.1.1 is fine, isn't it?

  • patton88

    patton88 - 2017-03-31

    Version number of NuGet package for Visual Studio 2017
    VS2017 ribbon bug


    ILHWAN, JEONG - 2017-04-10

    I got the same error during compile on VS2017.
    Is anybody fix the problem ?

    1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: WTLDemo, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
    1>Compiling Ribbon.xml
    1>Header file generation successful: 'Ribbon.h'.
    1>Ribbon markup file validation successful: 'Ribbon.xml'.
    1>Ribbon resource file generation successful: 'Ribbon.rc'.
    1>d:\metro\library\wtl\include\atlribbon.h(422): error C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'void (__thiscall WTL::RibbonUI::CharFormat:: )(IPropertyStore )'
    1>d:\metro\library\wtl\include\atlribbon.h(422): note: None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type
    1>Done building project "WTLDemo.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
    Error (active) E0386 no instance of function template "WTL::RibbonUI::CharFormat::Getk_MaskEffect" matches the required type WTLDemo d:\Library\WTL\Include\atlribbon.h 413

  • Nenad Stefanovic

    Can you try the attached file? It was modified to work with VS2017.

    Please let us know if it work OK.



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