
toDoList Open Discussion

  • Daniel Wang

    Daniel Wang - 2004-05-14

    People all the world who love WTL can help each other.
    We can open discussion and remember toDoList about WTL here.

    the first, from me :)

    0.keep the design spirit and principles of the WTL father Nenad Stefanovic.
    1.documentation chm format support for WTL version 75_4133.
    2.class wizard support for WTL.
    3.Maybe support Win64 api... what about your it here...

    • chen ru

      chen ru - 2004-05-14

      i think the documentation and the ClassWizard are the most important : )

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-18

      Nenad has already said in the Yahoo groups messages that Win64 is supported.

    • flyfishtasmania

      flyfishtasmania - 2005-01-19

      I second the call for documentation!!!!!!!

      Also, I would love to have the functionality of CString enhanced to match ATL (since CString is perhaps the most used object in my code)

      (And yes -- I know I can use ATL CStrings.  But it is dependent on how I set up my libraries and includes -- not a very robust structure.  I would rather just use WTL and have better functionality)

      But, whatever happens, documentation has to be first!!!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-02-12

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