
wtf2osc / News: Recent posts

Support for uDMX device

I just commited a tool for the anyma uDMX device to CVS. It's a very simple (and very inexpensive to build) device. For now it can only send DMX-data and you can't change the startbyte. See for details about the device.

The copy in CVS is fully functional (but tested only on linux) but depends on pyusb. I have to clean up and comment the code a bit and will release it together with an updated manual in the next days.

Posted by Proquar 2008-05-22

First release

I just released version 0.1.
A Readme-File is included.

What's supported:
DMX in both directions with the Enttec DMX USB Pro is completely supported.
HTTP-GET-variables (?foo=bar) to OSC are supported, The script starts its own webserver.

Please leave a message in the forum if you want to know something or have some suggestions.

Posted by Proquar 2007-12-10

First version in CVS

I have little time to work on that project, sorry about that. So I just checked into CVS what I have done so far.

There's no README, so here's a short description for now:
http2osc: Starts as a webserver and sends stuff it gets as GET-vriables as OSC. I originally made this for a flash-movie.
osc2dmx: This sends messages it gets through osc to an enttec dmx usb pro <>.
Send a '/channel value' osc-package (e.g. '/5 100' for channel 5, value 100) for controlling dmx. Send '/channels n' for setting dmx-channels to n and '/start m' for setting the start-value to m.... read more

Posted by Proquar 2007-09-02