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WebRogue 0.0.1 released

WebRogue is a roguelike that has more action than a stategy game like WSpace, but still I think WebRogue can be done by means of CGI. I tested it here on my laptop with Apache running localhost and that is fast enough.

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-08-31

Version 0.0.5 released

Not much new. Most of the time spent with design and the database access. File locks now always get removed when the lock is *too old* (and a copy of the file is made with a version number .000 .001 etc.)

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-03-09

Version 0.0.4 released

Planets added.
I have some problems with the "serverlock directory" mechanism sometimes. Need to think of a solution.

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-02-23

Version 0.0.3 released

Not much news. A little more security, but I think I need a security expert some day.

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-02-12

Version 0.0.2 released

Changelog in file "done.txt".

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-02-09

Project start!

Version 0.0.1 released. No game mechanics yet, but it does have registering and login with passwords, a database with users and suns, and a file locking system to prevent file corruption because of concurrent file access.

Posted by Joost Jacob 2003-01-27