
WSMT v1.4 Released

Announcing the release of the Web Services Modeling Toolkit (WSMT) v1.4.

All the information related to the WSMT can be found on, where you can download the latest release, check screenshots and record any bugs and feature requests you may have. The team welcomes any feedback you may have either via the wsmt
site or via email.

Note 1: This release of the WSMT as always comes in two flavours. The first is the GPL flavour that contains all of the tools, the second is the LGPL version that is shipped minus the plug-ins that have the GPL license. This allows for commerical users to use our application!

Note 2: The WSMT requires Java 5.0 installed as the default JRE on your system.

This release sees a complete overhaul of the data mediation tools, including the new MUnit tool for creating unit tests between your source and target ontologies. The WSML Reasoner view has been extended with include WSML DL reasoning, along with the preexisting WSML Flight/Rule support. The new WSML Form Based Editor support creation of Web Services and Goals using a form based approach (look out for ontology and mediator support in v1.5) along with the new discovery view for ensuring that your Goals and Web Services match one another in the expected manner using Lightweight WSML Rule and WSML DL discovery engines. Included in this release is conversion support for OWL DL and RDF allowing users to translate their ontologies to and from these formats and WSML.

As per usual existing tools like the WSML Text Editor, WSML Visualizer, build support, and SEE perspective have received bug fixed, along with additional features (almost too numerous to go into).

Questions, Bugs and Feature Requests are always welcome

Enjoy the WSMT!

The WSMT team

Posted by Mick Kerrigan 2007-03-20

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