
Tree [r86] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 config 2009-01-01 lilantha [r73] added resource class parsing logic and to ident...
 docs 2009-07-06 lilantha [r86] fix typo
 lib 2009-01-09 lilantha [r76] added step to build, list of todo
 samples 2009-01-22 lilantha [r85] remove unwanted file
 site 2008-08-03 lilantha [r37] added notes from todays discussion
 src 2009-01-03 lilantha [r74] implemented lookup for sub-resource methods/loc...
 test 2009-01-03 lilantha [r74] implemented lookup for sub-resource methods/loc...
 .classpath 2008-06-29 lilantha [r21] adding eclipse IDE project files
 .project 2008-06-29 lilantha [r21] adding eclipse IDE project files
 LICENSE 2008-12-08 lilantha [r69] adding jsr 311 supported server implementation ...
 NOTICE 2008-07-06 lilantha [r26]
 README.TXT 2009-01-09 lilantha [r82] changed to make the release
 build.xml 2009-01-09 lilantha [r83] added target to do binary releases

Read Me

Jump from SOAP to REST with WSDL2REST

A tool chain allowing quick migration from existing SOAP webservices
implementation to RESTful webservices implementation by using axisting WSDL
defintion together with the services impl. classes.(dev. by a group 

Please refer to documents found under ./docs folder for more infomation.