
New Catalan Architecture 0.2.1

Technology preview of the new Worker API, a complete replacement for the old processing architecture. The Worker API is much more flexible and structured, building on the successes of the old architecture while redesigning the flawed areas. All of the old set of processors have been ported to the Worker API except flow control, which will be redone in the next release. The XML transform syntax has changed, but should be cleaner and easier to use. Compelling new features include derivation and inheritance of Worker settings in the XML, better property propagation, command-line parameters that pass arbitrary settings into the workers, and a cleaner core processing model. The entire Worker API can be found in the package org.writersforge.catalan.process; sample transform XML can be found in testprocess.xml, although many of the features suggested there have not yet been implemented. NOTE: The old processing API will be deprecated in 0.2.2, but kept around until the release of 0.3.0 to make porting easier.

Posted by John R. Sheets 2004-03-28

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