2.0 version is released . copyright(c) whoistester.com
1. don't need set the env vars anymore
2. just put the lib into the android sdk tools lib directory
3. write the test case python code , and monkeyrunner run it.
1. you have the android sdk installed.
2. download the wrapEasyMonkey 2.0 from sourceforge
More blogs access http://lihao.cf/category/my-work/wrapeasydevice/
Install the lib:
1. unzip the downloaded file and extract the wrapeasymonkey.jar.
2. mv the jar to the lib directory of the android sdk tools dir.
How to use:
It's easy to test the android.
Known isues:
1. couldn't simultaniuosly run multi test process on multi devices.
2. couldn't locate the location of the dialog button , you should use the direction press to chose ok or cancel and context menu instead .
testcase examples:
''' Copyright (C) 2012 @author: nighteblis%hotmail.com (% to @) ''' #code begain here from com.whoistester.android.testimport import os,sys,re,string,locale,ViewClient,wrapEasyMonkey,MonkeyDevice,MonkeyRunner,EasyMonkeyDevice,By package = 'com.whoistester.android' activity = '.account.login' component = package + "/" + activity deviceId=sys.argv[1] ###### If you know your deviceid , please give a constant string mydevice = wrapEasyMonkey(deviceId) mydevice.startActivity(component) mydevice.caseManager.setResultPath('/test/testresult') ## the location where you want the result to be in mydevice.caseManager.testSetup() for yy in range(1): '''''''''''''''''''''''''' #case 1 '''''''''''''''''''''''''' mydevice.caseManager.caseStart('login') mydevice.clearTextById('id/theaccount') mydevice.caseManager.saveCaseStatus('') # take a snap shot mydevice.type('nighteblis') mydevice.press('KEYCODE_AT',mydevice.DOWN_AND_UP) mydevice.type('hotmail.com') mydevice.clearTextById('id/thepassword') mydevice.type('mypassword') mydevice.press('KEYCODE_BACK',mydevice.DOWN_AND_UP) mydevice.caseManager.saveCaseStatus('') mydevice.touchViewById('id/login_button',mydevice.DOWN_AND_UP) mydevice.caseManager.assertText('id/setpassword','set your password') mydevice.caseManager.saveCaseStatus('') mydevice.caseManager.caseEnd()