CH: 任何问题欢迎mail至 admin%whoistester.com或者 (% to @)
python写的库, 用于andorid ui自动化. 此库依赖于monkeyrunner的执行环境.
wrapEasyMonkey库 ( monkeyrunner与view交互的库封装easy api)
EN: anything please mail to or (% to @)
it's a library for monkeyrunner , written by python code. Used for android ui automated testing. It's based on the monkeyrunner and monkeyrunner easy api. It is easily used to use and write the automated ui testing monkeyrunner script. can interacti with view not only with the coordinates of the screen.
2.0 version is released .
1.don't need set the env vars anymore
2.just put the lib into the android sdk tools lib directory
3.write the test case python code , and monkeyrunner run it.
4. direcly interact with the id of the android views.
The wiki uses Markdown syntax.
Wiki: wrapEasyMonkey api 资料文档 1.0
Wiki: wrapEasyMonkey api 资料文档 2.0
Wiki: wrapEasyMonkey howto入门教程1.0
Wiki: wrapEasyMonkey howto入门教程1.1
Wiki: wrapEasyMonkey howto入门教程2.0
2.0 version is released .