
WPMU LDAP Plugin / News: Recent posts

WPMU Ldap Plugin 2.6 Released

The 2.6 version is out, see the blog post for more details:!.html

Posted by Aaron Axelsen 2008-08-01

WPMU 2.6 - Thumbs up!

I have tested the WPMU 2.6 RC1 release with the current LDAP plugin and things work like a champ! There should not be any major issues!

Posted by Aaron Axelsen 2008-07-16

WPMU Ldap Plugin 1.5.0 Released!

I have just rolled out the latest release! I have also setup 2 email lists! Check them out!


Posted by Aaron Axelsen 2008-07-07

Testing Release - WPMU 1.5.1

Anyone interested in testing things out, there is some working code for 1.5.1 available in the svn trunk. Over the next few day's I plan to continue testing myself and get things all set for a release!

Posted by Aaron Axelsen 2008-06-18

WPMU 1.5.1 Incompatibility

We're working on it! We hope to have things resolved in the near future. Check back here for updates.

Posted by Aaron Axelsen 2008-05-15

v1.3.0 Release!

I'm really pleased to announce the release of the WPMU LDAP Authentication Plugin, version 1.3.0. It was delayed a few times, and slipped ever so slightly, but it's now out for the world to enjoy. So, um, enjoy it. :)

This release is more interesting and significant in that it's the first one where there's been direct collaboration with outside developers. Since I've taken over the project and placed it in SourceForge, I've had very little contact with others interested in working on the plugin. Recently, though, Aaron Axelsen has contributed a large amount of code to the project, and basically all the significant new features of 1.3.0 are a result of his efforts. Props to Aaron for that! If he wasn't so interested and dedicated, this release probably wouldn't have happened. Hopefully, others will follow, and this plugin can only continue to improve.... read more

Posted by Sean Wedig 2007-11-19

WPMU 1.2.5a Incompatibility - Update

There's been an update. Donncha has restored the pluggable.php code with the recent merge of WP 2.3 code. So the next release should fix things. See

If you'd like to use this plugin with WPMU 1.2.5a, then you will need to employ a hack to wpmu-functions.php to extract the pluggable.php code.


Posted by Sean Wedig 2007-10-12

WPMU 1.2.5a Incompatibility

As most people probably know at this point, WPMU 1.2.5a is *incompatible* with the LDAP Authentication plugin. This is unfortunate, but hopefully we'll be able to address the issue soon.

For the technically minded:
The problem lies in changes made to WPMU in its plugin architecture, specifically with the removal of the mu-plugins.php/pluggable.php file. The code for that was merged into wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php, which causes problems with overriding the wp_login method. I've entered a ticket to address this, hopefully, into Trac for WPMU. You can see it here: If you're at all interested in this project, and want to continue using LDAP Authentication (without lots and lots of core hacks), please consider posting a comment in support of the change requested by the ticket.... read more

Posted by Sean Wedig 2007-10-10