
Tree [bfabe3] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 JSearchClient_nbproject 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.
 JSearchIndexer_nbproject 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.
 javahelp_nbproject 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.
 jhMaster 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.
 .gitignore 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.
 README.txt 2011-12-28 generessler generessler [bfabe3] Initial commit.

Read Me

This is a hack to the most recent JavaHelp sources we could find. The project seems to be dead. 

The only change is to fix the behavior of links in popup panels.  By default, clicking a link brings up the new page inside the popup itself.  This does not comport with the MS help viewer.  So if you're porting MS Help as we are, it needs to be fixed.  

The repaired behavoir retracts the popup and brings up the new page in the help frame. 

The code for the popups is so disconnected from the main frame's, we had to use an ugly kludge to get the information about the click where it needed to go.  Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.