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File Date Author Commit
 css 2013-09-30 gurumark gurumark [da01f4] version 2.0 frontend form interface using boots...
 img 2013-06-08 gurumark gurumark [4387bb] Initial commit
 js 2013-10-30 gurumark gurumark [637965] version 2.2
 lib 2013-10-30 gurumark gurumark [637965] version 2.2
 views 2013-10-30 gurumark gurumark [637965] version 2.2 2013-10-30 gurumark gurumark [637965] version 2.2
 uninstall.php 2013-06-08 gurumark gurumark [4387bb] Initial commit
 wp-app-studio.php 2013-10-30 gurumark gurumark [637965] version 2.2

Read Me

Wp App Studio

Contributors: emarket-design
Tags: admin,cck, cms, CPT, custom, custom post types, Post, post type, tax, taxonomy,entity, types, content types, custom fields, custom taxonomies, database, framework,connections, one-to-many, many-to-many, relationships, user relationships,fields, metabox, metabox tabs, metabox accordions, layouts, metaboxes, options, pages, posts, sorting, tabs, ultimate,filters,column filters,advanced,custom related posts, custom relations, post, related, related posts,client sites, clients, docs, documentation, help,Contextual Help, dashboard, dashboard widget, guide, Help guide, Help menu, featured image, sidebar, simple, widget, widget-only,access, capability, editor, permission, role, security, user permissions,role manager, user access, user control, user role, access-control, import, synchronize, batch, csv, excel, importer, plugin, spreadsheet,exporting, exports, json, reporting, reports,shortcodes, shortcode,member, members,pointers, Tooltips,website tours,tours, i18n,multilingual,translation,translatable, l10n, language, localization,mo file, plugin, po file, po-mo,jquery, jquery-ui, jQuery, jQuery UI, theme,admin themes,admin-theme,administration theme,admin-bar, custom admin, customize wp admin,login screen,custom login, admin menu,brand, brand login, customize, login, login page, multisite,mail,custom mail,contact form, contact forms, custom form, custom forms, form, form builder, form creation, form creator, form manager, forms, input, web forms,saas, software as a service
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.7
Stable tag: 2.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Wp App Studio is easy to learn and use design tool for creating fully featured custom plugins based on WordPress platform. No coding required.

== Description ==

Are you a WPAS user?

  • Serious about WordPress.
  • No coding experience.
  • Tired of writing code.
  • Tired of people not updating and supporting code.
  • Tired of finding, testing, retesting plugins, and still dealing with conflicts.
  • Thinking life is short.
  • Want to focus on something unique than reinventing the wheel.
  • Don't want to deal with technology/trends changes
  • Don't want to wait weeks to get something done.
  • Don't want to spend thousands to get something done.

No problem. This is it. Create your own custom plugin. Let us support it for 30 days for Free.

Wp App Studio(WPAS) is a cost-effective REST API based software as a service (SaaS) platform that creates fully featured Wordpress plugins. Saas is a software delivery model commonly used by companies such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon etc. In SaaS delivery model all processing takes place outside of your computer. To be able to use this platform, you must purchase API credits.

How does WPAS work? SaaS Whaat? and others

Two ways to use this platform

  1. Download and install this plugin, purchase API credits, design/generate plugins at your computer.(Pros)
  2. Register/login to eMD Playground, get free API credits, design/generate plugins, and purchase when you are ready.(Beginners)


What's new in 2.2?

In this release, we added Search Forms, building more on the interface. Using search forms, you can drill down and filter your content by attributes, taxonomies, and relationships. Each seach form optionally can have operators such as equal to, less than, greater than etc. Operators change based on the attribute searched.

By making search operators optional, we wanted to give plugin owners ability to limit content access. Search forms, as well as submit forms, can be displayed to eligible users by using permissions module. In addition, we split "required" option in attribute screen in to "Required for Submit" and "Required for Search". This option becomes very handy in a search support ticket usecase where you ask users search using email or ticket id. Even if email is required in ticket submission, it is not required for searching tickets. If a user does not want to see her other tickets associated with her email, she will be able to search using her ticket id and return specific ticket status. Search forms are fully validated on the client and server side. In other words, users will not be able to enter digits into email field and submit a search request.

As in the submit forms, search form layouts can be designed using form layout editor. All other submit form functionality such as theming options, scheduling, ajax submissions etc. is also applicable to search forms.

As an enhancement to overall forms module, we added attributes, taxonomies, and relationship unique identifier tags to admin/user email notifications. This will open the door for more customizable offers in many business cases such as realtime offer submission based on user profile.

Another exciting feature is the inclusion of Views module. Views module will replace Shortcodes module which is deprecated as of WPAS v2.2. Using views module, you will be able to design how you want to display content. Views can be attached to search forms. For example, you can design a view for the results of a search form by adding attributes you would like to return. You can fine the results using HTML or visual layout editor. Views can also be used as stand-alone using shortcodes, perfect for content reports and analysis. We will be building more on the views module in upcoming releases.

There are also some minor changes such as the addition of relationship name in the relationship editor. Relationship name will uniquely identify a particular instance. We also added some additional API rules to minimize error occurrence probability in the code generation process.

As in the previous releases, we fixed some bugs and improved overall stability of the WPAS generated plugins.

What's in store for the next release?

Adding advanced filters to views and widgets modules to improve report generation. Creating custom plugin setting pages.

Create your own plugin using Wp App Studio

An intro to WPAS system, not updated for 2.0 but still relevant. More video tutorials in the website.


What comes in and out of my computer?

What comes out

  • API Keys (WPAS userid and password)
  • App (plugin) metadata

What comes in

  • WPAS account balance and available\used credits info
  • Development status messages (success, failure etc.)
  • Plugin download link

All communication to WPAS servers are implemented through token based secure HTTPS REST requests using XML files. No other format is allowed.

See Wp App Studio Platform documentation

Should I install Wp App Studio plugin to my production server?

You can install it anywhere you like. However, Wp App Studio is a development tool and we recommend you to install it to your laptop or development computer.

Who should use this service?

Wp App Studio is designed for the users with no coding experience. The generated plugin code is based on open source software and is completely open source. You can modify, whitelabel, and resell your plugin without any limitation.

What are the features?

See Other Notes tab or project links below.

Project Links


Create Entities

  • Collect data about things, persons, places, or concepts.
  • Supports all of Wordpress Custom Post Type API and more
  • Layout your entity editor just the way you want using accordions and tabs.
  • Drag and drop entity layout editor allows sorting, addition/deletion of entity attributes.
  • Useful version control and multi-user development capabilities.

Click for more info

Create Taxonomies

  • Group, tag, categorize your data with custom taxonomies.
  • Attach taxonomies one to many entities including the built-in entities such as posts or pages.
  • Drag-and-drop interface for filtering data through entity taxonomies
  • Hierarchical or Not Hierarchical taxonomies are supported.
  • Advanced features are available for further customization.

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Create Relationships

  • Create connections between entities with Relationships.
  • Create One-to-many(1-M), many-to-many(M-M), or self relationships.
  • Each relationship may have one to many attributes.
  • Choose where to display relationship column in the entity list screen.
  • Choose where to display relationship metabox in the entity editor.
  • Create relationships between entities and users.

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Create Attributes

  • Easy to use and intuitive interface for creating entity attribute
  • 37 different types of attribute types
  • Ability to set an attribute as required
  • Ability to set a default value.
  • Ability to set instructions for users.
  • Decide if an attribute will be able to accept multiple values ie. clonable
  • Decide if an attribute will be used as a filterable column in the entity list editor.
  • Create custom validation rules and error messages.

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Create Help Screens

  • Provide additional information such as instructions to users using help screen.
  • Organize your help information with one to many tabs.
  • Configure a sidebar section in your help screens.
  • Attach help screens to entity or taxonomy list or edit screens.
  • WYSIWYG visual editor is provided when creating help information.

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App Permissions

  • Ability to define custom roles through permissions.
  • Ability to disable built-in capabilities of built-in roles.
  • Ability to assign entity capabilities to custom or built-in roles.
  • Ability to assign taxonomy capabilities to custom or built-in roles.

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App Meta Data Migration

  • Export and/or import your App meta data from Wp App Studio to another.
  • Upgrades are taken care of automatically when migrating through different versions.
  • Limited but very useful version control logic is provided.
  • Lowest level created and modified dates are provided for better development tracking.
  • App meta data is stored encrypted for better security.

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App Data Import/Export

  • Visually import all your entity and taxonomy data.
  • Export all your entity and taxonomy data.
  • Reset(delete) all your entity, taxonomy, and relationship data.
  • Comma separated file format(CSV) is provided for all your exports and imports

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Create Views

  • Design how you want display your content using views.
  • Design your view layout with tags of most built-in data retrieval functions using WYSIWYG editor.
  • Filter your view data by ID, Author, Date etc.
  • Add your view to a page or a post as well as a text widget using shortcodes.
  • Ability to attach custom css to view layout
  • Sort your view data by criteria provided ascending or descending.
  • Filter your view data by its publish status.
  • Ability to limit number of records to show.
  • Attach views to search forms to format search results.
  • A simple page navigation is provided and displayed when the number of records exceed the number defined.

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Fully Translatable

  • Each app is provided with an App POT file for easy translation.
  • Just create a PO and MO file as you normally would.
  • All Wordpress strings are included for translation.
  • All Entity strings are translatable.
  • All Taxonomy strings are translatable.
  • All App Extension strings are translatable. Some translations are already included for select languages.

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Create Widgets

  • Ability to create and configure dashboard widgets.
  • Ability to create and configure sidebar widgets.
  • Create a custom data layout for your widgets using WYSIWYG editor.
  • Ability to attach custom CSS to widget data layout.
  • Display your widget data in ascending or descending order.
  • Limit your widget data through custom queries.
  • Many more coming.

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App Settings

  • Ability to configure App related info such as license, Author name, url etc.
  • Set an App wide theme selecting one of the available Jquery UI themes.
  • Enable/disable built-in navigation menus.
  • Enable/disable default dashboard widgets.
  • Ability to set system wide email address and name.
  • Force the number of columns in dashboard area.
  • Easily set left and right hand footer of your app with a WYSIWG editor.
  • Ability to fully customize admin toolbar or remove it from front-end and/or backend.
  • Ability to create a Admin Messages widget to send messages to users with a WYSIWG editor.
  • Ability to set a logo in the login screen.
  • Ability to add a custom footer in the admin area
  • Many more coming..

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Create and Save Filters

  • Drag-and-drop interface for choosing, sorting, and ordering entity attributes(columns) to be displayed.
  • An intuitive interface for adding and saving complex filters.
  • Filter through your data using custom filters and functions.
  • Filter through other entity records using relationship columns
  • Advanced features are available for further customization.

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Create Forms

  • Ability to create parent-child relationship forms, accepting data entry to entities, taxonomies, and relationships.
  • Ability to create and display multi-column, device independent, and ajax powered forms.
  • Ability to create and display forms using Twitter’s Bootstrap or jQuery UI frameworks.
  • Ability to pick one of available 24 different jQuery UI themes if you chose jQuery UI for your frontend theme.
  • Added option to use Font Awesome webfont in buttons, radios, and checkboxes. Different icons can be selected for the checked and the unchecked states of the form elements.
  • Ability to pick 3 Adjustable height size for form elements.
  • Ability to do a graceful degradation; turn off JavaScript, everything works as expected.
  • Ability to create form access groups based on user roles by setting form permissions.
  • Ability to schedule your forms availability based on date ranges.
  • Ability to limit forms availability by the number of submissions.
  • Ability to send confirmations to admins and/users after a successful entry.
  • Ability to show simple text or redirect to another website after a successful entry.
  • Ability to do client and server side validations for all available attribute types.
  • Integrated cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack prevention.
  • Integrated protection against SPAM using honeypot and/or captcha.
  • Ability to selectively enqueue files to eliminate the overhead of unnecessary code.
  • Ability to select and insert all WPAS shortcodes using WPAS button. Use the button to insert forms, views, and other WPAS components into posts or pages.
  • Ability to create fully featured search forms with operators change based on the type of attribute.
  • Ability to limit access to forms using permissions module.

Click for more info

Create Pointers *Under Development *

  • Ability to create website and app tours within Wp App Studio.
  • Highlight or draw attention to the certain sections of your app.
  • Easy to use interface.

Click for more info

== Installation ==

Automatic Installation

The simplest way to install is to click on 'Plugins' then 'Add' and type 'Wp App Studio' in the search field.

Manual Installation Type 1

  • Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
  • Click the Add New button.
  • Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
  • Select the plugin zip file ( from your computer then click the Install Now button.
  • You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
  • Click the Activate Plugin link.

Manual Installation Type 2

  • You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don't, see your system administrator.
  • Copy the plugin zip file ( up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
  • Copy the "wp-app-studio" folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
  • Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
  • Look for "Wp App Studio" and click Activate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basic requirements of Wp App Studio?

Wp App Studio creates a custom made plugin. You must be able to install the generated plugin in your wordpress installation. Your hosting environment must meet minimum [system requirements] [4]. All Api access purchases are subject to our [api access terms and condition of use][1].

Do I have to install any other plugin to run Wp App Studio plugins?

Nope, One plugin does it all. No dependencies. Simplicity is a bliss.

Is Wp App Studio hard to learn?

Wp App Studio is designed for non-programmers in mind. We back it up with easy to follow documentation.

What kind of Apps I can create using Wp App Studio?

Your imagination and needs are your limits. Wp App Studio can create advanced apps like CRM, ERP systems or less complex apps like a issue management or order management.

Do you offer paid support?

Yes, we do. Support service purchases are subject to our [paid support terms and condition of use][2]. All of our developers are based out of U.S. We do not outsource.

Will there be a mobile app support?

We are planning to create a separate mobile app edition. The development will start after all of main modules are completed.

Can multiple developers/designers work on the same app?

Yes, there is a small scale version control system integrated to Wp App Studio. You can also export and import app meta data from development to production systems.

What are the license requirements?

The Wp App Studio apps are licensed as GPLv2 or later.

Where can I purchase professionally designed apps?

We plan to release some of our own designs in [WPAS Marketplace][3]. It will be soon open to other designers/developers as well.

** [1]: "Terms and Conditions"
[2]: "Paid Support Terms and Conditions"
[3]: "Market Place"
[4]:** " System Requirements"

Upgrade Notice


Added search forms functionality, replaced Shortcodes with Views module and many more.


Updated and upgraded jQuery UI form components and modified some api rules.


Fixed api server location


Added frontend interface using Twitter's Bootstrap or jQuery UI frameworks and fixed misc. bugs.


Added relationship attribute display option and relationship widget feature. Fixed misc. bugs.


Fixed upgrade bug. Playground is open for free trial of WPAS platform.


Added attribute and taxonomy selectors for widgets and short codes. Playground is open for free trial of WPAS platform.


Hardened overall plugin security and added connected/related relationship type creation/display feature.(UPGRADE RECOMMENDED)


Fixed minor bugs related to entity layout and capabilities.


2.2 (10/29/13)

  • Added fully featured search forms with operators functionality in the forms module. Search forms inherit most of submit form functionality such as client/server validation.
  • Added "Required for Search" option in the entity attribute module. This feature will help separate submit form requirements from search requirements.
  • Replaced Shortcodes module with Views module. Shortcodes will be deprecated as WPAS V2.2. Using views module, you will be able to design how you want to display content.
  • Added attributes, taxonomies, and relationship unique identifiers tags to admin/user email notifications.
  • There are also some minor changes such as the addition of relationship name in the relationship editor. Relationship name will uniquely identify a particular instance. Make sure you add relationship name in your previously designed app relationships.
  • Fixed some bugs and improved overall stability of the WPAS generated plugins.

2.0.5 (10/15/13)

  • Added option to remove the operations screen.
  • Added option to remove filters and columns in entity list pages.
  • Added option to default to base jQuery UI when no theme selected.
  • Moved the operations link to the entity list page as a button next to add new.
  • Applied jQuery UI theme to all attribute types including radio, checkboxes, select, text, textarea and wysiwyg.
  • Added themeable jQuery UI submit button to all forms; 24 additional buttons with different colors.
  • Modified api rule for unique key checks before code generation.
  • Reduced generated plugin size by removing unused libraries by 60%.
  • Added additional multiselect and select form element with search option to the JQuery UI form component list

2.0.1 (09/29/13)

  • Fixed api server location

2.0 (09/29/13)

  • Ability to create parent-child relationship forms, accepting data entry to entities, taxonomies, and relationships.
  • Ability to create and display multi-column, device independent, and ajax powered forms.
  • Ability to create and display forms using Twitter’s Bootstrap or jQuery UI frameworks.
  • Ability to pick one of available 24 different jQuery UI themes if you chose jQuery UI for your frontend theme.
  • Added option to use Font Awesome webfont in buttons, radios, and checkboxes. Different icons can be selected for the checked and the unchecked states of the form elements.
  • Added option to pick 3 Adjustable height size for form elements.
  • Ability to do a graceful degradation; turn off JavaScript, everything works as expected.
  • Ability to create form access groups based on user roles by setting form permissions.
  • Ability to schedule your forms availability based on date ranges.
  • Ability to limit forms availability by the number of submissions.
  • Ability to send confirmations to admins and/users after a successful entry.
  • Ability to show simple text or redirect to another website after a successful entry.
  • Ability to do client and server side validations for all available attribute types.
  • Integrated cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack prevention.
  • Integrated protection against SPAM using honeypot and/or captcha.
  • Ability to selectively enqueue files to eliminate the overhead of unnecessary code.
  • Added WPAS toolbar button to consolidate all shortcodes in one place. Use the button to insert forms, shortcodes, and other WPAS components into posts or pages.
  • Added support for custom user roles in the user relationship dropdown in the advanced section of entity configuration.
  • Added description and optionality to relationship screen. When you set a relationship required and Wp App Studio will enforce it.
  • Added description, display type(multi or single select), required fields to Taxonomy screen.
  • Added uniqueness option to attributes types. Setting an attribute unique will set it as a unique key identifier. It will be used when connecting entity records to other entity records.
  • Added max file size, allowable extensions, and max file uploads validations options for file and image uploader attribute type.
  • Many more features, bug fixes to better look and feel and stability.

1.1.8 (7/05/13)

  • Removed filterable option for attribute image types.
  • Fixed p and br tag deletion issue in Help Tab editor.
  • Fixed required option not working in relationship attribute create screen.
  • Removed create relationship attribute option from one-to-many relationships since relationship attributes are only applicable to many-to-many relationships.
  • Added relationship attribute frontend display option.
  • Add relationship widget feature. You will be able to display entity relationship data on frontend using relationship widgets.
  • Fixed misc. advanced options screen data entry issues related to entities and taxonomies.

1.1.6 (6/25/13)

  • Fixed upgrade bug.
  • Fixed p and br tags deletion in shortcode and widget layouts.

1.1.5 (6/24/13)

  • Added Entity attribute and taxonomy selectors in shortcode and widgets layouts. You will be able to use entity attributes and taxonomies in shortcodes and widgets.
  • Added link/unlink button Help Sidebar and Help Tab editor screens.
  • Added "Design WPAS" capability so that admins will be able to give designers wpas design permission without assigning them to an admin role.
  • Added visual editor display option independent of user profile for all wpas screens.
  • Wp App Studio Playground is open for designing, building, and testing your plugins without incurring API charges.

1.1.0 (6/01/13)

  • Hardened overall plugin security by adding extra nonces, data sanitization/validation rules and Wordpress HTTP API calls.
  • Added connected/related relationship display types features in the relationship module. For example, on a product page, you will be able to display the orders that include a certain product(connected) or products which are also ordered with the product(related) i.e. "customers who purchased this also purchased" type(See
  • Added frontend display of connected and/or related relationship data. You will be able to display relationship data with different title on the from and to entity pages.(See
  • Added search filtering based on user roles. Users only can search data they are allowed to view.

1.0.2 (5/12/13)

  • Fixed a minor bug related to entity layout
  • Fixed a minor bug related to entity capabilities
  • Added additional error check for xml parsing

1.0.1 (5/10/13)

  • Frontend display has been improved. You can just add a link to your entity content from Appearance > Menus and the content will be displayed at the frontend.
  • Added frontend custom css. You can change the default content display.
  • Added Entity Menu Display index. You will be able to sort your entities and display them accordingly in the navigation menu.
  • Quick Start process has been expanded for the post capabilities. Operations menu link will display even if you do not define a custom role for your entity.

1.0.0 (5/2/13)

  • Initial release with fireworks.