
Tree [d4d572] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 build-mingw 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 doc 2010-10-29 Uli Franke Uli Franke [96e2b2] Removed a unnecessary level of hierarchy from t...
 examples 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 m4 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 msvc 2012-08-31 = = [1fd264] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://wosclib.git.sour...
 python 2016-03-29 Uli Franke Uli Franke [d4d572] Python bindings:
 tests 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 .gitignore 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 AUTHORS 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 COPYING 2010-11-09 = = [22a544] * More GNU-like package
 ChangeLog 2010-11-09 = = [6dc3f5] Fixed mingw build.
 INSTALL 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 NEWS 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 README 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscBlob.h 2012-09-30 = = [2cea56] Python bindings:
 WOscBuffer.h 2012-10-13 = = [cfb250] Generic networking backend:
 WOscBundle.h 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscContainer.cpp 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscContainer.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscException.cpp 2014-07-03 Uli Franke Uli Franke [fd7ad9] Added missing exception code to stringification...
 WOscException.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscFuture.cpp 2010-10-29 Uli Franke Uli Franke [96e2b2] Removed a unnecessary level of hierarchy from t...
 WOscFuture.h 2010-11-09 = = [c0b776] Moved future code from sandbox into dedicated s...
 WOscGenericServer.cpp 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 WOscGenericServer.h 2012-10-13 = = [c331e4] Generic networking backend:
 WOscInfo.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscInfo.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscLib.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscLib.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscMessage.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscMethod.cpp 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscMethod.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscNetReturn.h 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscNetworkHandler.cpp 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 WOscNetworkHandler.h 2012-11-27 = = [eb1764] Added a disconnect callback for network handler...
 WOscObject.h 2010-11-09 = = [c0b776] Moved future code from sandbox into dedicated s...
 WOscPacket.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscPatternMatch.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscPatternMatch.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscPriorityQueue.cpp 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscPriorityQueue.h 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscReceiver.cpp 2014-07-03 Uli Franke Uli Franke [6c95cc] Fixed segfault when passing invalid address to ...
 WOscReceiver.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscReceiverMethod.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscReceiverMethod.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscString.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscString.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscTcpClient.cpp 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 WOscTcpClient.h 2014-05-16 Uli Franke Uli Franke [9a61fb] Made connect calls virtual to simplify derived ...
 WOscTcpHandler.cpp 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscTcpHandler.h 2012-10-13 = = [cfb250] Generic networking backend:
 WOscTcpServer.cpp 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 WOscTcpServer.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscTest.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 WOscTimeTag.cpp 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscTimeTag.h 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year
 WOscUdpClient.cpp 2015-06-30 Uli Franke Uli Franke [baa1e5] Made wosclib compile with gcc 4.8.4
 WOscUdpClient.h 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscUdpHandler.cpp 2012-10-16 = = [592342] Generic networking:
 WOscUdpHandler.h 2012-10-13 = = [cfb250] Generic networking backend:
 WOscUtil.cpp 2012-10-17 = = [d3fa82] Generic networking backend:
 WOscUtil.h 2013-04-02 Uli Franke Uli Franke [826218] Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// 2010-11-08 = = [d4857a] Now wosclib supports real autoconf/automake. Th... 2012-09-26 = = [4e23e4] * Updated copyright year 2010-11-09 = = [22a544] * More GNU-like package

Read Me

# WOscLib, an object oriented OSC library.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Uli Clemens Franke, Weiss Engineering LTD, Switzerland.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# For details see COPYING
# Weiss Engineering LTD.
# Florastrasse 42
# 8610 Uster
# Switzerland

Some notes on how to get started with WOscLib.

## Building the distribution package ##########################################

To build the library from a distribution package run

	sudo make install


    ./configure --help

for fine tuning. WOscLib has a built in test bench which can be run with

    make test
## Cross-Compilation with MinGW under Linux ###################################

It is possible to X-compile WOscLib for Windows under Linux. The "build-mingw"
directory contains a script ( prepared for this very purpose.

## Building from the git repository ###########################################

The repository does not contain any automatically generated files. Therefore
you need the autotools package if you'd like to build wosclib from the git
sources. This is the classic way:

	automake --add-missing
    sudo make install

The more convenient way is to simply call

    sudo make install

As autogen automatically calls ./configure you have to call ./configure
manually again if you'd like to use some non default options.

## BUILDING THE DOCUMENTATION #################################################

The source code is documented with doxygen comments. The doxygen documentation
contains some additional information as well. To generate the documentation
configure the library as depicted above. Then run

    make html

The index page of the generated documentation is generated at


## EXAMPLES ###################################################################

This distribution contains some examples which show some possible applications
of the library:

## woscudpserver ##

A simple UDP-based OSC server with a small address space.

woscudpserver [local port]

WOscServer's address space:
/hello      Prints a "Hello World!" message plus all message parameters.
/echo       Echos the message to its origin (which can be additionally
            controlled by an integer parameter for the port and an string
            for the IP where the message should be echoed to.
/exit       Quits woscserver.

## woscudpclient ##

A simple UDP-based OSC client/server which can send OSC messages to any UDP
based OSC server. The messages can be send including integer, string and
floating-point parameters. The remote OSC server can be set as arguments or
at runtime. The local UDP port can be changed at runtime:

woscudpclient [local port] [remote port] [remote IP]

Commands controlling "woscclient":

help        print help (which is probably more up to date than this document)
exit        terminate "woscclient".
slp [port]  set local UDP port to [port]
srp [port]  set remote server UDP destination port to [port].
srip [ip]   set remote server UDP destination IP to [ip].
	        whereas [ip] is an IP string in dotted decimal notation

/[msg] [params]
            send an OSC message "/msg" to remote OSC server with
            parameters [params]. [params] can be a space separated
            list containing integers ( 666 ), floats ( 3.14 ) and
            strings ( hello_world ).

[           Open a new bundle
]           Close current bundle and transmit as soon the top level
             bundle has been closed.

## wosctcpserver ##
An OSC server using TCP as transport layer.

## wosctcpclient ##
An OSC client using TCP as transport layer.

## IDEAS ######################################################################

## PREPARING A RELEASE ########################################################

Relevant to WOscLib maintainers only.

 1. Increment version number in AC_INIT macro within
 2. Run autoreconf
 3. Run ./configure
 4. Run make dist-zip