
wormwood.02 in development

After much discussion, it has been decided that wormwood.02 will drop drop the fluxbox window manager and use xfce instead. This will keep it light, while adding a plethora of necessary features. For now it will use xfce only, but in the future will include both fluxbox and xfce (or possibly a hybrid of the two).

Also, wormwood will no longer be based of off Linux Mint. It will be built from scratch using a base CLI only Ubuntu system (or possibly Debian) in the future.

Note: wormwood is built mainly on a machine running 512 MB of RAM (a machine that runs Win XP very very slow). So it is geared towards these types of machines. We are working on keeping the size down and the speed up!!

So wormwood.02 will be up soon. Keep an eye out :)

Posted by wormwood 2010-06-06

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