
wormhole / News: Recent posts

The first Wormhole Demo and it’s guide published!

1.1 About this guide.

1.2 Preparation: Create a database table for the demonstration.

1.2.1 SQLServer Script

1.2.2 Oracle Script

1.2.3 MySQL Script

1.3 Download and deploy wormhole demo webapp package. 2

1.3.1 Download demo package from sourceforge

1.3.2 Deploy the demo package to tomcat

1.3.3 Connect to the database. Register a database in the file of "dbConnection.xml" Modify database's jdbc url and username, password. ... read more

Posted by Philip Young 2009-06-25

Wormhole dependencies package uploaded.

If the developers want to try wormhole, they should download the wormhole lib and its dependencies, all need files could be download from :

Posted by Philip Young 2009-06-25

Real-time ORM framework -- Wormhole released 1.0 Belta!

Wormhole is a AUTOMATIC & REAL-TIME O/R Mapping framework of J2EE.

-No POJO needed any more.

-No need to maintenance mapping XML.

-When DB structure changed, Wormhole can refresh O/R mapping at runtime without restartring application.

Brief Feature List

1. Dynamic POJO, Wormhole can map database tables to dynamic entities automatically without creating any POJO class or mapping XML.

2. Run-time refreshing ORM without app restarting.... read more

Posted by Philip Young 2009-06-25