
workbase. / News: Recent posts

Try out workbase. at our new demo installation

You can now try out workbase. without downloading or installing it. We have set up a demonstration installation for you, with which you can play around as much as you want; it will reset itself automatically every two hours.

We have put in some fake data (projects, users, bills and files) and three users with different access levels, so that you can get a first hand experience how workbase. behaves.... read more

Posted by Mikko 2006-10-14

workbase. build released

The latest workbase. build ( has been released. And the project website has been updated.

The new build contains new features, such as
- Customer access levels properly defined,
- Clicking project names brings up a context menu,
- Bills can be marked as paid, bill due date can be defined,
- Font family selection in PDF templates,
- Multiple objects can be deleted/restored simultaneously in recycle bin,
- In system users list, the projects that the user has access to are shown, ... read more

Posted by Mikko 2006-10-10

While awaiting for the release

While awaiting for the last patches and translations to arrive for the next release, the workbase. team has been keeping busy.

In addition to the project page, we have also set up the project website. Some of the content is still missing (such as support section and the German translations), but a lot of useful information on the project has already been put up. We have loads of plans for the site, so make sure to check it out periodically for new content: read more

Posted by Mikko 2006-10-08