
Tree [a1b958] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 AUTHORS 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 INSTALL 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 Makefile 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 README 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 logo.png 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 wopy 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release
 wopy.desktop 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release 2009-05-25 MEZGANI ali MEZGANI ali [a1b958] First release

Read Me


is yet another Wake on LAN/WAN tool, that allow a computer to be turned on or woken up remotely
by a network message sent usually on another computer on the network.

What is WOL and WOW ?
Wake on LAN, or WOL, is the ability to send a signal over a local area network (LAN) to power up a PC. 
Wake on WAN or WOW, is the ability to send that same signal over a wide area network (WAN), such as the Internet, 
to trigger power-up of a PC on a private LAN.

The frame sent to the target PC carries a special datagram, called a "magic packet".
The Magic Packet is a packet containing the hardware (or MAC) address of a specific network card repeated 16 times, 
NICs that are WOL capable & active, upon receiving the Magic Packet, will send a power-on signal to the motherboard, 
activating the power supply and booting the system.  

  	   How a Magic Packet Frame looks like:
	| 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff | 0xff |
	 optional SecureON (tm) password:

The port 9 is used by default to send packet.
Check that your firewall routes broadcast messages sent on this port to your network to ensure successful execution.

wopy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.See the GNU General Public License for more details.

For more information visit the project's web site at: