
Woodpecker - The ResourceBundle Editor / News: Recent posts

Woodpecker Integration Build 20041116 Available

The Woodpecker team is proud to anounce the availability of woodpecker integration build 20041116.

Woodpecker is a Java ResourceBundle property file editor. It provides friendly and platform native UI, Java access class generator and other exciting features.

This build is the first of the series of integration builds that reflect our progress of using the new way of modeling resource files.

Details of the new modelling can be found at the woodpecker blog ( read more

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-11-17

Woodpecker Blog Now Available

Woodpecker is a Java ResourceBundle property file editor. It provides friendly and platform native UI, Java access class generator and other exciting features.

To keep track of development progress, and as a additional means of documenting Woodpecker, we set up a blog website at:
Please feel free to post any comments to the blog site as well as using the wonderful facilities provided by read more

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-11-16

Woodpecker Integration Build 20041106 Available

The woodpecker team is proud to announce the immediate availability of woodpecker integration build 20041106.

Woodpecker is a Java ResourceBundle property file editor. It provides friendly and platform native UI, Java access class generator and other exciting features.

1. Splash screen addition.
2. Loader thread now properly determines WOODPECKER_HOME.
ChangeLog and releasenodes can be found: read more

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-11-06

Woodpecker Integration Build 20041104 Available

The woodpecker team is proud to anounce the immediate availability of woodpecker integration build 20041104.

Woodpecker is a Java ResourceBundle property file editor. It provides friendly and platform native UI, Java access class generator and other exciting features.

Download page:

Release notes and change log:

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-11-05

Woodpecker Website Launched

A new website of the woodpecker project is now brough into service.

Please visit:

The new website has been tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and Mozilla Firefox 1.0rc1. Please test it with as many browsers as possible and report any problems to us.

Woodpecker Team.

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-10-29

Woodpecker 0.2 plan available

Woodpecker 0.2 plan is now available.

Please see this address for details:

We'll constantly be updating this plan to reflect our development progress and to post any proposed dates for test releases.

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-10-25

Woodpecker 0.1.0 released.

Woodpecker is a Java ResourceBundle property file editor. It provides friendly and platform native UI, Java access class generator and other exciting features. The release 0.1.0 isn't complete in features, in fact, users can't even read, write of edit the .properties files.

This file is released for the following purposes:
1. To let the users, developers, people who are interested have an idea of what Woodpecker will look like, and enable them to comment on Woodpecker.
2. To check the starting script.... read more

Posted by Qian Qiao 2004-10-22