Woda 5 is an easy tool to work on datas. It is not as powerful as OpenRefine (for example) but objectives and use cases are different.
Anne is a long time high quality wooden toys seller. She sell on the internet and in street market. She works on her own, mainly at home. She's used to work with computers but hate this. She frequently make mistake, by hand reporting her suppliers listprices.
Marine work as a communication manager in a small cultural non-profit company (6 employees). Everyone use MS Office or LibreOffice. Nobody has been trained to it. They maintain their customers data with spreadsheets. Every month they send postal news letter to them. Working with a spreadsheet is a nightmare because there is frequent errors to fix. The worse is when someone try to sort column and mix datas.
They don't have budget nor time to work on a database. The GUI would be a very important part.
Quickly create a database by importing spreadsheet in Woda. Use it to print labels or re-export in spreadsheet or connect to spreadsheet / word processor. Gradually refine datas, separate some of them in tables, etc.
Xavier is an independant sysadmin for small companies.
Woda use old cgi-bin way. It is difficult to setup. Current Woda code is old and in some part obsolete. Some functions are duplicated, others are unused. Woda use its own functions where Perl's module could do the job better and faster. Lot of security problems, mainly because of bad practices (like password in Cookies). Data file not editable. Slowness. HTML rendering is embedded into the engine. It is hard to update and maintain.
More user centric. Easier to install and setup (Plack).
Faster (use of Perl C modules, persistent connection).
Readable and text editable data files (GNU recutils).
Modern Perl : use of Perl libs, objects, etc.
[Data Processing]
[Import Workflow]
[Refining Database Design]
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