
wmweather+ / News: Recent posts

Converted to SVN

I've imported the CVS repository into SVN, mainly because I'm more used to SVN. Enjoy!

Posted by Brad Jorsch 2010-01-02

wmweather+ in top 10

Sometime since yesterday, wmweather+ has reached #10 in's "Top Downloads" sidebar (passing wmWeather, appropriately enough ;)

In other news, I'd like to put out a call for information. has METAR reports for non-USian stations. However, NWS does not seem to have weather warnings or forecast data for non-US sites. If anyone knows of a publicly accessible source for this data, let me know and I'll see about adding it.

Posted by Brad Jorsch 2002-09-15

Finally, a release!

I wrote this long enough ago, finally others get to try it. Let me know what you think!

Posted by Brad Jorsch 2002-08-19