Activity for Weather Station Data Logger

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #11

    Steamgauges code

  • JJ JJ created ticket #18

    FTP failure with 5.6

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, I am officially an idiot !!! It was hiding in full view in the "Documents and Settings folder for my user profile. Dooooh !! Got rid of that and the reinstall was fine. Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Because my ISP went out of business I was unable to stop the program trying to FTP to the site which no longer existed. When I tried to change the "Internet options" I got an error. I decided to bite the bullet and uninstall and re-install it ( Uninstalled OK. Manually cleared data folder. Went through the registry with regedit and removed any references to WSDL. Restarted the PC. Installed version as administrator. On first start it has all the old sensors and their names and...

  • Grace Nodes Grace Nodes modified a comment on ticket #10

    It seems that the Sysinfo file overwrote the crash data, this is attached

  • Grace Nodes Grace Nodes posted a comment on ticket #10

    I seems that the Sysinfo file overwrote the crash data, this is attached

  • Grace Nodes Grace Nodes created ticket #10 crashes on start

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #9

    "Unhandled Exception Error"

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r668]

    Bug fix for memory playback from WxR

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r667]

    Playbacks with power fails working now with V6 WxRecorder hardware

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r666]

    much work for wxrecorder

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #8

    FTP stops

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi, I thought I may be able to help a little with this by making a scale PNG file for you. See attached. Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #7

    Gauge scale

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #10

    New Gauge range ?

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on ticket #6

    Damn!!! I spoke to soon! It dropped the USB again last night.

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi, Just to give a bit of feedback. I dug out a 5v wall adapter for a Raspberry Pi and plugged it in to the Arduino. That's over a week and no dropout of USB. I did notice that all 4 temperature sensor graphs during this period were very "jaggy" where they had been smooth before. I think it may have been a bit of a clash between the adapter power and the PC power via the USB cable. I put a small piece of insulating tape over the +5v pin on the USB cable and the graphs are back to normal. Thanks for...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi, Thanks for the reply and suggestions. I'm pretty sure the USB cable is OK (had used it for a while on another project) but hadn't thought of the PSU. I'll try that. Thanks again, Andy

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy posted a comment on ticket #6

    Try powering the arduino from an external wall wart supply...anything from 5V to 12V should work. Also try a new USB cable. If there are glitches on your PC power supply that would fix it. Other than that I cannot offer much help. It sounds like a USB issue on your PC. On 3/24/2022 9:40 AM, Andy Brown wrote: [support-requests:#6] USB dropout Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created: Thu Mar 24, 2022 04:40 PM UTC by Andy Brown Last Updated: Thu...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #6

    USB dropout

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, can anybody explain to me why the USB (or the WXShield) drop the connection regularly. I have the USB cable from the Arduino plugged in to the front socket (as per another post) and it did seem to make a difference (didn't drop out as often). I have the PC power settings set so that it never goes in to standby and don't even have a screensaver enabled. I've also set it up so that the system cannot put the USB port in to standby to save power. The set up was running for just over a week now, and...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I thought you'd like to know how your WxShield and software were being used. I have the following sensors (all Oregon Scientific): 1 wind speed/direction (on the roof). 1 rain bucket (in the driveway). 1 UV (in the driveway). 3 temp/humid ( driveway, house hall and greenhouse) Your arduino shield is connected to small PC. The PC has a double headed graphics card. One output goes to a monitor fixed to the wall of my "mancave" just above where my computer is. The other output goes to a "VGA to...

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy posted a comment on ticket #9

    Andy, WSDL isn't under active development at this time, but that might change later this year. No promises about the future, but I've got your inputs in the list. On 3/6/2022 10:57 AM, Andy Brown wrote: Another suggestion would be to have the "wind speed" and "wind direction" as seperate sensors for the Anemometer graph. [feature-requests:#9] Battery Status on Steam Guages Status: open Group: Next Release (example) Created: Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:40...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on ticket #9

    Another suggestion would be to have the "wind speed" and "wind direction" as seperate sensors for the Anemometer graph.

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown created ticket #9

    Battery Status on Steam Guages

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I re-installed version and to my surprise all the dates were correct and in 12 hour format - wierd !!! Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried installing and the guage installation worked to I guess they don't work with the older versions.

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, When I wasn't able to get the steam guages working on I did an install of and the date format changed to what I wanted and the guages worked as well. It may be didn't work on as it was installed before I changed the format in Windows. All working so far. Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm using this version as i had issues with the latest one and this does all I need. I installed the latest steam guages but it doesn't show up on the menu bar even after restarting the WX datalogger program. Do they not work with earlier versions ? Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Out of curiosity I did a parallel install if in a different directory and ran it. The station clock was still showing 24Hr format. Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, Sorry, I didn't notice if it was or not. Cheers, Andy

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I know you're now running version Did you notice this problem when you tried version I'm still unable to get 24hr format to appear with the latter. --Roy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Edoardo, To see the temperature from a particular sensor on the dashboard you have to select "View" on the top menu bar. The select "Temperatures" from the drop down. Then either "Left" or "Right" from the slide out menu. You should now see a list of your temperature sensors. Click on the one you want to display. That should do it. Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Guys, I've set up WSDL with a home made WXShield and it works perfectly. I'm getting consistant data from all my sensors. I've also set it up to FTP to my online site ( and tht works EXCEPT for the time format. Any times sent from WSDL are in 24hr format ie 13:20 and I'd like them in 12 Hr format ie 1:20pm It affects tags like [sunrise] [sunset] [time]. I've set the regional settings on the PC to 12 hour format and it display the time correctly. Is there an...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, I did the Regional thing in Windows - still the same. Nothing much in the greenhouse at the moment - it's winter here. My wife's domain !!! She does grow Tomatoes, Cucumber and we're trying carrots in a box this year. She brings on lots of plants for the garden in there as well. Cheers, Andy

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I think you have to change the time format in Windows. Go to the Region and Language control panel and check the long time and short time formats. You want h:mm etc as opposed to H:mm. The tt adds am/pm. What do you have growing in your greenhouse? --R

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, I can recommend I've had no issues since installing and setting it up. Only niggle still left to fix is the date format. Do you know how to set the station clock format ? It's currently 24 Hr which means I don't get the am/pm after the times. I can't see anything in the options to change it other than to switch to local clock. I was the same in the Flight simulator forum I'm on. Myself and a guy in the states are the only two building an RAH-66 Comanche home cockpit. World is a small...

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, Glad to hear things are working for you. I've always FTPd six graphs to my server with no problems. Actually I have to do a FTP to the same machine that's running WSDL in order to create the graphs. Seems a bit backwards, but it works. The only problem I've run into with graph creation is that sometimes when I add a new sensor to a graph on the WSDL main screen it doesn't show up in the files that get FTPd. Now I'm wondering if I should try out Geography is fun, eh? I thought it was...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi again Roy, I downloaded and installed and the sunrise and sunset were correct. Unfortunately there was a problem with FTPing the graphs (it would only do 3 and had the default background colour despite me having changed it) and I have 9 graphs. I was also getting exception errors occasionally so I removed it. I then downloaded and installed and, once that was all set up, worked perfectly. Once again, many thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Cheers, Andy PS when I looked...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hia gain Roy, I downloaded and installed and the sunrise and sunset were correct. Unfortunately there was a problem with FTPing the graphs (it would only do 3 and had the default background colour despite me having changed it) and I have 9 graphs. I was also getting exception errors occasionally so I removed it. I then downloaded and installed and, once that was all set up, worked perfectly. Once again, many thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Cheers, Andy PS when I looked...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, Thanks again for the help. Yeah, I think it may be a problem with Version 5+ I'll uninstall and try as you suggested. Cheers, Andy

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    One more experiment: I plugged your lat/long into my WSDL settings here, and came up with 7:18AM for sunrise and 4:34PM for sunset, assuming I got your time zone right. That still seems to be a bit off from your desired numbers, but at least it's within an hour. I may have missed a digit, but there still could be a problem with the code.

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, As I recall I had a number of issues with Version 5 and higher, and finally decided to stick with good old I don't think you need anything newer unless you want support for other sensors like Acurite. I can read all of the Oregon Scientific sensors aside from the new 2.4GHz? stuff. I know the client/server setup works properly, although I never used it for very long. FWIW, I'm still using Win7-64. --R

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay, By checking the message log I found that my PC was missing "Visual C++ 2010 redistributable" so I downloaded and installed it. Now not getting the errors about SOFA.DLL when starting up. Also tried changing the East/West settings in the station coordinated but that didn't make any differnece to the sunrise/sunset issue.

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Firstly thank you for making this excellent software and giving it for free. I made a WXShield(1.1) for an Arduino Uno and got it all working. I have Orogon Scientific sensors (wind, rain and three temperature). All seem to be working. I set up WSDL to FTP pages to my website ( and they all seem OK except part of the almanac. The sunrise shows "13:17:27 09 February 2022" on the web page. So, I set up a steam guage wit the almanac on it and it shows "07:53" which seems more...

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't know if this is relevant, but when I start WSDL I get two error boxes that come up telling me it cannot load SOFA.DLL I'm running it on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Roy, Thanks for replying. I'm running version of WSDL. I wonder if that's the problem. I did check the lat/lon and they are correct (i think). I used an online postcode to coordinates page. It said they were : Lat: 55.3321 Lon: -4.4016 I read that you can't put negative values in the options and have to select "East" instead, so that's what I've done. I'll have another play about with the whole east/west thing and see if that helps. Strange that everything else is OK. Cheers. Andy

  • Roy Roy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I just checked mine and the sunrise/sunset seems to be within a couple of minutes of what is shown on Weather Underground for my location. You may want to recheck your lat/long setting in the station tab of the options menu. I'm still using Version My Weather Shield and Arduino have been running nonstop since 2009. One of the sensors seems to die every couple of years but cheap replacements are readily available on eBay. --R

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Firstly thank you for making this excellent software and giving it for free. I made a WXShield(1.1) for an Arduino Uno and got it all working. I have Origon Scientific sensors (wind, rain and three temperature). All seem to be working. I set up WSDL to FTP pages to my website ( and they all seem OK except part of the almanac. The sunrise shows "13:17:27 09 February 2022" on the web page. So, I set up a steam guage wit the almanac on it and it shows "07:53" which seems more...

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r665]

    Bug fix work for WxRecorder

  • Glenn Hawkins Glenn Hawkins posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    WOW! Over a year and NO REPLY! Is this "service worth waiting for"? Same issue. Beginning to think that maybe WxDataLogger is not ready for prime time? Anyone else successful in getting 02032C to work?

  • ImWolf ImWolf posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After setting up WSDL with Acurite 06006 console attached to USB, most of the displays are unchanged red values. The only green updating values I see are Barometer, USB counts, and station clock. Any suggestions would be appreciated.... Thanks, Wolf

  • ImWolf ImWolf modified a comment on discussion Help

    After setting up WSDL with Acurite 06006 console attached to USB, most of the displays are unchanged red values. The only green updating values I see are Barometer, USB counts, and station clock. Any suggestions would be appreciated.... Thanks, Wolf

  • ImWolf ImWolf posted a comment on discussion Help

    After setting up WSDL with Acurite 06006 console attached to USB, most of the displays are unchanged red values. The only green updating values I see are Barometer, USB counts, and station clock. Any suggestions would be appreciated.... Thanks, Wolf

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again, I found a newer version of the software ( and installed this. Now don't get the server options message, but still no indoor temp or station clock.

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lorian, Did you ever get an answer to this problem ? I'm getting the same issue now. Cheers, Andy

  • Andy Brown Andy Brown posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have just built the Ver 1 of the weather shield for the arduino board and have it working. I installed the Data Logger software on my PC (Win 7 64 bit) and got it set up and working. I then ran this as the server option and installed and ran it as a client on my wife's machine. When I start the one on my wife's PC I get a message saying that it cannot get all the options from the server and I should correct this first. The program does run but the indoor temp and time/date do not update. Is...

  • leopol2 leopol2 posted a comment on discussion Help

    nothing special, just keep the history of the last 4 years

  • Ted Keys Ted Keys posted a comment on discussion Help

    What are you using the old data for?

  • leopol2 leopol2 posted a comment on discussion Help

    nobody can help me?

  • leopol2 leopol2 posted a comment on discussion Help

    i would migrate from cumulus to WSDL, Wath i have to do to change old data from cumulus to WSDL?

  • Edoardo Varese Edoardo Varese posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, I'm a new user of WSDL despite having OS WMR88 for a long time... I have problems reading the temperature data, both from the station (internal) and outdoor (ch3 for me): always I'm reading 0.0 °C. Looking at the log file, I see that the temperatures have read correctly, but not shown in the main panel: why? Thanks a lot in advance, my best regards, Edoardo

  • sky7176 sky7176 created ticket #17

    Some bugs into version

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r664]

    first pass in copying over initial work

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r663]

    merged missing file from trunk

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r662]

    another missing file

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r661]

    merging from trunk to pickup new serial ports class.

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r660]

    new class used to communicate with serial port emulators (e.g. over usb)

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r659]

    For generalizing log data to varying sensor types

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r658]

    cleaning up atmospheric tide code

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r657]

    upgraded .net runtime version to match other libs.

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r656]

    adding better way to calc atmospheric tides (less restrictive on available data)

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on ticket #15

    Ok always read the manuals first. If I have not misunderstood, the value that I find in the log in the rain field is the total rain that fell from the last reset of the rain gauge. In fact, now in my log I find it written 690 that if I divide it by 25.4 I get the thumbs I see in the message received by the program when a data string arrives from the rain gauge. 30/03/2018 20:29:14 (UTC) - OS: Channel 0 Rain Battery OK, Rate 0, Hour 0, Day 0, Total 27.165 Since 30/03/2018 20:29:14, -80dBm 27.165 *...

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on ticket #13

    Ok always read the manuals first. If I have not misunderstood, using Arduino as an interface, I have to wait at least 12 hours of data to allow the software to calculate the right SLP pressure? Giuseppe

  • sky7176 sky7176 created ticket #16

    Disabled UV Sensor

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on ticket #15

    my copy of log file

  • sky7176 sky7176 created ticket #15

    Error in rain log whit arduino

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on ticket #13

    Wsdl Ver.

  • sky7176 sky7176 created ticket #14

    Log and FTP

  • sky7176 sky7176 created ticket #13

    Arduino and SLP

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r655]

    using new serialcomm class instead of microsloth serialport.

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r654]

    changed some of the fan on/off logic

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r653]

    minor bug fixes, removing compile warnings

  • Dan Ozment Dan Ozment posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I realized today that if I go to Internet Options, test WU, and save the config it starts reporting to WU again. I'm seeing recent posts here. Wondering if anyone is listening.

  • Dan Ozment Dan Ozment posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have been running for some time now on my WMR200. Occasionally, (and more often the last few days) it has stopped reporting to WU. I don't see anyting in a log that suggests what could be happening. If I restart the app it starts logging to WU again. Any suggestions as to how to troubleshoot this? Regards, Dan

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r652]

    Improved atmospheric tide removal

  • Jim Roal Jim Roal created ticket #12

    Cannot save weather station description in FTP settings.

  • sky7176 sky7176 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Ok, it seems that the probblema of graphics generation for ftp is linked to an anomaly...

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on discussion Help

    ok, it seems that the probblema of graphics generation for ftp is linked to an anomaly...

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Update the issue. I disabled the graphic upload generation and all text files are...

  • sky7176 sky7176 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I use WSDL version This morning I noticed a strange behavior on the...

  • MANFRED RUNIS MANFRED RUNIS posted a comment on discussion Help

    when using the steam guages the clock has the option to show with or without the...

  • Jim Simmons Jim Simmons modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This seems to be like what is happening with 02032C selected. Once the data not available...

  • Jim Simmons Jim Simmons modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This seems to be like what is happening with 02032C selected. Once the data not available...

  • Jim Simmons Jim Simmons posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On previous versions I found it necessary to check the "share USB" box in order to...

  • A Weather Guy A Weather Guy committed [r651]

    bug fix for atmospheric tides when there was a ...

  • Jim Simmons Jim Simmons posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This seems to be like what is happening with my 02032C. Once the data not available...

  • Jonathan Buzzard Jonathan Buzzard posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It's been two and half years and I still have not build a wxshield, but I am now...

  • k cole k cole posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you -must- use a Group Policy or MSI install you can always CREATE an MSI install...

  • k cole k cole posted a comment on discussion Help

    I tried clearing the memory, RESETTING the WMR200 -MANY TIMES- (the RESET button...

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