

Henning Thoele

WinWar is a Multiplatform (Windows, Windows Modern UI, OSX, Linux) port of the original DOS WarCraft: Orcs & Humans PC Game. It is completely rewritten from scratch using only the original art and level data.

It REQUIRES the original game; no game data is included.
Although it may be possible to provide a download of the Warcraft 1 demo and make WinWar compatible with the demo. This hasn't happened yet, though.

See [Compiling and Running] for basic instructions.

See [History] for a brief history of the project. (Not finished yet)

See [Project Status] for an overview of the status of each component of WinWar and [Roadmap] for the planned featues.


Wiki: Compiling and Running
Wiki: History
Wiki: Project Status
Wiki: Roadmap