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Showing 6 results of 6

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Type
10 Allow unit orders from ingame UI 0.3 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-09-20 2014-09-20 Feature  
7 Show Unit/Building UI ingame when selecting entities 0.3 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-08-25 2014-09-11 Feature  
5 New move order while already moving causes weird behavior 0.3 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-08-16 2014-08-24 Bug  
4 Finish all sprite animations 0.4 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-08-16 2014-08-24 Feature  
3 Unify the platform specific code 0.3 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-08-16 2014-08-24 Task  
1 Ordering a move command to a blocked location 0.3 accepted Henning Thoele 2014-08-16 2014-08-24 Bug  
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