
WinWar: WarCraft for Windows / Blog: Recent posts

Version 0.2.0 released

Today marks the release of version 0.2.0 of WinWar. Although there have been many minor changes, refactorings and lots of other stuff, the main purpose of this release is to support the demo version.
(wowpedia still has a link to it here:

Just take the DATA.WAR from the demo and put it into the Assets/Data folder.

The next releases focus on actually making the game playable:
- Finish the ingame UI
- Finish the low-level AI
- Add victory conditions so that you can play campaigns
- Add resource harvesting and constructing buildings/units

Posted by Henning Thoele 2014-08-22 Labels: 0.2.0 demo


While trying to get the demo working completely, I decided now would be the right to fully understand what each resource in DATA.WAR actually means. But why, you may ask? Everything seems to load fine ...

DATA.WAR is Warcraft 1s main game content file and contains almost everything from the game: Music, Sound, Levels, Art and so on. The old loading code was rather optimistic and had many assumptions here and there which manifested themselves in lots of hardcoded information scattered throughout the code. ... read more

Posted by Henning Thoele 2014-08-08

Version 0.1.0

This post marks the release (at least in the git repo) of version 0.1.0 of WinWarCS.

Here are the features:
- Full introduction
- Loading and starting of both campaigns
- Spawning of starting units and buildings
- Basic unit controls (movement)

I'll upload a dump of the code soon. I'm also thinking about creating a binary release, but that requires more work, including installation and setup instructions. We'll see ...

Posted by Henning Thoele 2014-07-15 Labels: git version-0.1.0

Code uploaded to git repo

Finally got around to pushing the current state of the project to the SourceForge git repo. The current code should work on Linux and OSX, but I'll fix the Windows versions soon(tm).

I have removed the old source zips, so currently the only way to obtain the code is to clone the git repo.

A personal note: Some of that code is ancient and pretty embarassing to look at. It'll be refactored eventually.

Posted by Henning Thoele 2014-06-27 Labels: git

Progress update

I'm still making good progress on the project and even resurrected some of my old code which implemented A* for pathfinding.

Currently working on spawning units, buildings, etc..

For now I simply decided to pretend that BlizzCon never happened. Let's see who's first to publish a remake of Warcraft 1 :-)

Posted by Henning Thoele 2014-06-13

About the downloads

Please note that the downloads still contain the old (or rather: ancient) C++ code. It probably still works, but I will upload new versions soon.

Trying to get Git repository working at the moment ...

Posted by Henning Thoele 2013-11-16 Labels: winwar git

Here we go again (or not)

Coming back to a project after almost 8 years of inactivity is ... well ... let's not talk about that.

WinWar was dead, then alive, then dead again, was alive for the last few weeks and then came BlizzCon, where Blizzard revealed that they would re-release the old Warcraft games.

So, is WinWar alive or not? Probably not, although I spent the last few weeks improving it. I'm not sure how Blizzard would react, if WinWar was published along with their own versions.

Posted by Henning Thoele 2013-11-13 Labels: winwar blizzcon