
Windows Wallpaper Changer / News: Recent posts

Version 0.8 is out!

I just released the new version 0.8.
You can download and install it from the files section.

new features:
* a switch to enabel/disable rotation by exif data
* the style of the wallpaper can be set; i.e. center

you wan't more features? just sumit it or write me an email.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-10-12

Version 0.8 in test phase

The new version is inthe testing phase.

New features like auto rotate according to exif information can be turned off and the wallpaper style like center can be set.

Please update your java ire to the latest version as I encountered tray icon problems with the previous released jre.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-09-29

0.8 is coming soon

new feature: you will be able to set the wallpaper style (position) like stretch or center inside the wallpaper changer.

also is the settings dialog cleaned up so it is cleaner.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-09-24

set center,tile or stretch

please use the windows build in function to set the mode the background image is shown. the library i use accepts the parameter but doesn't do anything with it.

i will implement this later.
for not please set it in the windows settings.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-09-22

0.7.1 (bugfix release)

this is a bugfix release.
the previous release was to fast thrown out to you so there have been some critical bugs.

* setting color not able to disable,
* setting the path filter,
* centering the image won't work (jdic problem, maybe i will implement it on my own)

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-09-22

Release 0.6

An updater has been incorporated to do its job.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-05-22

Releaser 0.5.1

Fix of the position of the new info text.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-05-19

Release 0.5

You can now enable the Wallpaper Changer to print the path of the shown file to the desktop. You can set the position of that text to the four corners of the screen (image).

Enjoy. Stefan.

P.S.: some steps to work with Windows 7 (Vista) have been made. It is running on Windows 7 but it needs Admin privileges.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-05-14

Release 0.4.1

The new feature of setting the desktop background color was improved to produce more accurate values.

So check it out.

Posted by Stefan Dotti 2010-01-14