
Tree [4676bb] master v1.0 /

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File Date Author Commit
 Release 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 WinUtils 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 mcopy 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 niceio 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 sleep 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 .gitignore 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 AUTHORS 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 CHANGELOG 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.
 LICENSE 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit. 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [4676bb] Format in and tag.
 WinUtils.sdf 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [4676bb] Format in and tag.
 WinUtils.sln 2016-02-29 Matthieu Labas Matthieu Labas [b02651] *** v1.0 - Initial commit.

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Small utility commands to improve the poor standard Windows command line cmd (PowerShell probably does better).

  • sleep

Add sleep functionality to Windows standard shell (can't believe they didn't do it!)

sleep 1         (sleeps 1 second)
sleep /ms 500   (sleeps half a second)
  • mcopy

Allows copy resume of partially-copied file. Very handy when you have to transfer big files over a poor network connection.
Currently handles only one file (standard copy command work fine for multiple files).

/y will overwrite destination if it already exists.
/c will continue copy at the end of destination, after checking that the last 8KB are the same.

mcopy [/y] [/c] source destination
  • niceio

Allows changing disk I/O priority, from Very Low (0), Low (1) or Normal (2).

niceio <PID> [0|1|2]

If "priority" is not given, current priority will be printed.
N.B. that it uses unofficial, undocumented Windows API that might change in later version (but it's working on my Windows 10 laptop :)).

While you cannot boost a specific PID, you can lower the priorities of other disk-hungry PIDs.