

Alexey Arkhipenko

Monitor windows servers (temperature, free space, backups)

WinServMon is able to do:
1. Collect temperatures of servers in mysql database using SpeedFan. Show temperatures in a php webpage.
2. Collect free disk space of all disks.
3. Collect dates of last backup files.
4. Merge all information in a colored web page dashboard.
Needs access to internet (uses google charts).

To install WinServMon:

You will need version with binaries, or you can install php.exe yourself on the server with speedfan.

  • Download latest apache+php+mysql package, for example OpenServer.
  • Edit mysql.php and input mysql host, user, password, db.
  • Initialize your database with winservmon.sql
  • Install SpeedFan on servers where you want to monitor temperature or other parameters. Set speedfan to write log of parameters that you need. Currently scripts are set up to collect 5 temperatures from each server (CPU, System, HD0, HD1, HD2). If you need more perameters, you will need to change code. It is recommended that you do not change variable names.
  • Put load_speedfan.php and check_state.php into SpeedFan program folders. Create task to run them hourly using PHP.
  • Edit load_speedfan.php and set $h_id to correspond to host table on each server.
  • Edit check_state.php and set $host variable and paths to files that you want to check.
  • In index.php edit checks that you want to be shown and also edit number of seconds compared to $w[pass] variable to select correct colors.
  • You can open graph.php with different h_id set.

Additional recommended software:

  • You can set SpeedFan to send you mail when temperatures are very high
  • You can use CrystalDiskInfo to monitor drives and send you mail
  • You can use Acronis TrueImage Home to create backups. You will be able to check dates of these backups using WinServMon

You can see example of dashboard and graphs here:

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

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