
WinSE IRC Services / News: Recent posts

Big and little news!

Ok, see, I'm still contributing :)

First up, I've removed the trackers and task managers, if you want to give us something to do, uh, tell us in person or on the WinSE forums located from (for now).

And the big news is?
WINSE (the .net version) LINKS TO UNREAL!!!

Another leap for the project, now full steam ahead.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-04-14

Another Update, and my status.

WinSE is steaming ahead in .NET, the Unreal protocol module is all but finished and we're now working on configuration loading and linking. Stay tuned and keep your ear to the ground!

On a more personal side, please read the following notice from the WinSE website:

Personal Notice
As many of you will already know, my life is rather busy atm. I have 4 terms of schoolwork to do in 1 term as well as work, personal commitments and other projects. Therefore I am going to take some "sabbatical" leave from WinSE for a while, probably 6 months to a year. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-04-13

Update and web news [IMPORTANT]

The important bit first, DON'T download the package that we released, it's very old, out of date, buggy... all the rest. Onto other things.

WinSE isn't dead, just going through a rather busy phase. We've started the port to .NET, and have a shell of the structure now in CVS.

The website is also now up at - proper forums to follow.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-02-14

Yes, forums are FUBAR again.

Some dumb person has decided to trash our forums. The last time our forums went splat we went from one host to the next trying to find a stable host. Well I'm not going to have that again. Until further notice, we will use the wonderful forum services provided by our friends at SourceForge. You will have to register an account with SourceForge in order to be able to post, so please take the time to do that :-) !

Posted by Thomas Stagner 2004-12-03

Forums and ChanServ

This is a bit late but forums are fixed now. So get at 'em :) .

Also, ChanServ is coming quite nicely, see the forums for info.

Posted by Thomas Stagner 2004-10-14

Forums trouble and IRC

Well, the forums are kicking a hissy fit, sorry about that peoples... We hope to have them back sometime in the very near future.

In the meantime, we've moved our channel accross networks. We now reside on #winse, if that doesnt work, try

Stay well, eat cheeze and don't worry :) We're working well, with most of the API done. It's just a matter of time now.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-08-01

Forums and a new guy!

Well, times do seem to be 'a rolling. I'd like to welcome Jason, the latest addition to the Winse team. Jason will be handling support and stuff, and has managed to find us a forums host! Let's all say hi to Jason :)

In other news, aquanight has just about finished the brand-spanking new mode parser, good news since it means chanserv is one step closer to reality.

He's also done some work on the database API, we'll see how it goes. I hope to convert nickserv to use the API over the next week or so (god willing)... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2004-07-22

IRC & Mailing List...


We have an IRC home, previously advertised but not widely. If you are interested in Winse, join on port 6667, join #winse and talk to myself (w00t) or aquanight.

Now, onto the mailing list. I've created an announcements mailing list, feel free to join. I plan to throw any big news onto there, such as releases or whatever.

Winse is powering along now, aquanight is working on a new mode parser and callbacks so services can decide what to do with those changes. I am currently working on making services modules NEATER (!), Services help requests (I have to make that modular somehow) and BotServ...

Posted by Anonymous 2004-07-02


Yes folks, we have CVS up. It's not suitable for a lot, but feel free to check it out and try poking around on a test box.

That's all for today :)

Posted by Anonymous 2004-06-25

Winse OpenSource Opening!

Well, winse is obviously registered on SF by now. There are two people currently working on Winse, Myself (w00t) and aquanight. We are both available on, in #winse or #netronet.

As to a release: At the moment, I'm busy adding features, and aquanight is busily cleaning things up... we hope to have a VB6 release some time in the next 6 months or so (god willing) but then, who sticks to release dates.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2004-06-23