Activity for WinRun4J

  • Ganesh Gaikwad Ganesh Gaikwad posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I tried to create a service from my executable jar, I got a could not access Service manager error. I then tried to run the Service example, i get the same error. I am using windows10 edition, plese help resolve my issue. D:\Final_Driver_SM>service.exe --WinRun4J:RegisterService [info] Module Name: D:\Final_Driver_SM\service.exe [info] Module INI: D:\Final_Driver_SM\service.ini [info] Module Dir: D:\Final_Driver_SM\ [info] INI Dir: D:\Final_Driver_SM\ [info] Registering Service... [err] Could...

  • selami tastan selami tastan posted a comment on discussion Help

    This issue is for along time ago. I imagine that, maybe someone needs compiled version. It is used Visual studio 2013.

  • Lepa71 Lepa71 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I'm wondering if I can use this to setup to run minecraft server jar as service in windows server 2016 I have tried to use sc create "Minecraft Forge Server" binpath="java -Xmx3G -Xms1G -jar forge-server.jar" It creates a server but I get "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." error. Can I use WinRun4J for something like that? Thanks

  • Jyotiraditya Rath Jyotiraditya Rath posted a comment on discussion Help

    MY Application uses the basic getSystemClipboard functionality offered by Java . The Jar when run through java -jar is able to access the System clipboard, but when invoked through WinRun4J64.exe, every other functionality works fine except Clipboard access. Always get error like UnsupportedFlavorException Unicode String for any Text available on Clipboard. Is there any specific settings needs to be mentioned in .INI file ? JDK / JRE - 1.8.0_111 Windows : 8 GUI invoked through Wrapper / Luncher gives...

  • Patrice Mandin Patrice Mandin modified a comment on discussion Help

    Like you, I tried to build with a more recent VS version (both 2015 and 2019, community edition is free). What I found: 1. Add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS and remove TINY from preprocessor options, as these versions have a more complete standard libc 2. Disabling /SAFESEH for linking and /NODEFAULTLIB, so we do not use ..\lib\msvcrt.lib and lib\wcrt.lib

  • Patrice Mandin Patrice Mandin modified a comment on discussion Help

    Like you, I tried to build with a more recent VS version (both 2015 and 2019, community edition is free). What I found: 1. Add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS and remove TINY from preprocessor options, as these versions have a more complete standard libc 2. Disabling /SAFESEH for linking and also remove ..\lib\msvcrt.lib (as this one is already present) 3. It also uses wcrt.lib which is very old, and may need fixes, or maybe removed from linker options like lib\msvcrt.lib ?

  • Patrice Mandin Patrice Mandin posted a comment on discussion Help

    Like you, I tried to build with a more recent VS version (both 2015 and 2019, community edition is free). What I found: 1. Add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS and remove TINY from preprocessor options, as these versions have a more complete standard libc 2. Disabling /SAFESEH for linking and also remove ..\lib\msvcrt.lib (as this one is already present) 3. It also uses wcrt.lib which is very old, and may need fixes

  • Malcolm Davis Malcolm Davis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, somebody has the latest build environment configurations on which this was last successfully built? I'd been struggling with the built with latest visual studio and Windows SDK.

  • Silvano Maffeis Silvano Maffeis posted a comment on discussion Help

    It seems that the semicolon ; is interpreted as a comment in the WinRun4J ini file. For example: vmarg.34=-Ddb.url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=foo;clusterName;bar the part ";databaseName... " is no longer present in the db.url system property Can Winrun4j be configured to use a different comment character which is not ';' ?

  • Augur Systems, Inc. Augur Systems, Inc. posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the link you posted at the end, notice that they set "service.class=org.boris.winrun4j.MainService". Well, that "MainService" class implements the Service interface for you, but then you also have to add the "class" setting to your INI, which tells the "MainService" which of your classes to execute.

  • Augur Systems, Inc. Augur Systems, Inc. posted a comment on discussion Help

    From my reading of the instructions, I think any JVM arguments have to be in the INI file, as "vmarg.1" etc. Anything you add to the exe's command line as arguments just go to your Java class's main() as args, not to the JVM's initialization . (I'm just investigating the system now, and haven't tested yet, but that's what I understood from reading, so I could be mistaken.)

  • Jentu Jain Jentu Jain modified a comment on discussion Help

    Sir, I was trying to use winrun4j to create window services using Java. Though vm.location is mentioned, it fails to load JVM.dll. Please advice. [err] ERROR: Could not load library: C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll [err] Error starting Java VM. This is the error obtained on attempting to start the service.

  • Jentu Jain Jentu Jain posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sir, I was trying to use winrun4j to create window services using Java. Though vm.location is mentioned, it fails to load JVM.dll. Please advice.

  • Nivashini Nivashini posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, Opened 'WinRun4J64.exe' as an application and observed the JVM arguments list in Java VisualVM. Found two extra options 'abort exit' at the end of JVM arguments. Could you please elaborate the use of these options? Thanks in advance!

  •  FredArtes FredArtes posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have a strange problem with Winrun4j and the passage to WIN 10. Sometimes I have this errror in my Winrun4j log : [info] Module Name: C:\TestApp\TestApp.exe [info] Module INI: C:\TestApp\TestApp.ini [info] Module Dir: C:\TestApp\ [info] INI Dir: C:\TestApp\ [warn] Single Instance Shutdown Here my TestApp.ini classpath.1=test-starter.jar main.class=Start vm.heapsize.preferred=256 log=./deploy/logs/streams.log log.overwrite=true single.instance=process Where can be the problem...

  • Francisco  Morosini Francisco Morosini posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, i have a folder called plugins where exists many directories, called,...

  • TomK TomK posted a comment on discussion Help

    The (integrated) INI file for my launcher contains the option: vm.heapsize.max.percent=50...

  • Ben Spiller Ben Spiller posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, we've started using winrun4j and absolutely love it. However our corporate...

  • Jordan Thompson Jordan Thompson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Nevermind. I must have fat-fingered something because it works as advertised.

  • Jordan Thompson Jordan Thompson posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am currently using WinRun4J and it works great. I need the service to run as adminstrator....

  • Ben Spiller Ben Spiller modified a comment on discussion Help

    We're using the wrapper for a GUI (non-console) application and love it - but find...

  • Ben Spiller Ben Spiller posted a comment on discussion Help

    We're using the wrapper for a GUI (non-console) application and love it - but find...

  • WinRun4J WinRun4J released /OldFiles/

  • Sathes Kumar Subramanian Sathes Kumar Subramanian posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Thanks for this wonderful project. I need to know whether we need to have separate...

  • nikman nikman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new to WinRun4J but very interested as it has Eclipse plugin. I added WinRun4J...

  • nikman nikman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new to WinRun4J but very interested as it has Eclipse plugin. I added WinRun4J...

  • nikman nikman modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new to WinRun4J but very interested as it has Eclipse plugin. I added WinRun4J...

  • nikman nikman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new to WinRun4J but very interested as it has Eclipse plugin. I added WinRun4J...

  • asha asha posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I am trying to convert my java application to windows service. I have downloaded...

  • ping ping modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • ping ping modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • ping ping modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • ping ping modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • ping ping modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • ping ping posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wonder if WinRun4J is supported for windows 2012. Can I use it to run application...

  • David Brown David Brown posted a comment on discussion Help

    Howdy, fairly desperately trying to run the WinRun4J examples/test examples with...

  • David Brown David Brown posted a comment on discussion Help

    Howdy, I was able to get the example test project in Eclipse: to run...

  • David Brown David Brown posted a comment on discussion Help

    Howdy, notwithstanding I have winrun4j successfully git repo cloned and created as...