
Tree [3a4e47] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2020-04-15 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [815299] Update main.yml [skip ci]
 ArchiveSupport 2020-07-02 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [69ae4a] Fix GitHub issue #367: Crash when comparing enc...
 ColorSchemes 2020-03-29 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [1d238d] - Add Solarized Dark/Light color scheme
 Docs 2020-12-16 Mr-Update Mr-Update [dceb74] Update Manual (#513)
 Externals 2020-12-15 Tim Gerundt Tim Gerundt [4e1a61] Small tweaks for the Manual (#508)
 Filters 2020-06-26 Marko Matic Marko Matic [f084d6] added bin and obj directories to C# filter
 Installer 2020-11-13 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [ad58ca] Installer: Display the contents of Readme-Lithu...
 Plugins 2020-07-26 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [58ac70] Made it possible to display the contents of CSV...
 ShellExtension 2020-07-20 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [8ec616] ShellExtension: Bump revision to
 Src 2020-12-12 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [4499e7] Add the command line option "/s-" to ensure tha...
 Testing 2020-10-25 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [fbf58d] Fix GitHub issue #395: Bug: Line Filters aren't...
 Tools 2020-11-30 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [003c85] Fixed some untranslated strings
 Translations 2020-12-18 Rukoto Luther Rukoto Luther [3a4e47] Update Japanese.po (#8)
 .gitattributes 2019-09-01 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [f1cdd9] Add .gitattributes
 .gitignore 2020-07-26 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [58ac70] Made it possible to display the contents of CSV...
 .gitmodules 2019-08-25 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [28cb18] Add submodules
 .hgtags 2019-02-24 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [13d6ae] Added tag 2.16.1 for changeset 42d99f4c9b2e
 BuildAll.vs2017.cmd 2020-08-05 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [9b10d2] Build*.cmd: exit early if build fails,
 BuildAll.vs2019.cmd 2020-08-05 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [9b10d2] Build*.cmd: exit early if build fails,
 BuildAll.vs2019x64_vs2017Win32.cmd 2020-08-05 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [9b10d2] Build*.cmd: exit early if build fails,
 BuildArc.cmd 2020-09-05 Tim Gerundt Tim Gerundt [4c9c4b] Hide setup copy in BuildArc.cmd output
 BuildBin.vs2017.cmd 2020-08-24 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [d34234] Fix BuildAll.vs2019x64_vs2017Win32.cmd stopped ...
 BuildBin.vs2019.cmd 2020-08-24 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [d34234] Fix BuildAll.vs2019x64_vs2017Win32.cmd stopped ...
 BuildInstaller.cmd 2020-09-05 Tim Gerundt Tim Gerundt [6965f7] Add echo output to BuildInstaller.cmd
 BuildManual.cmd 2020-11-12 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [af7d35] Add TranslationStatus.*
 CreateRelease.cmd 2020-08-30 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [e8c757] CreateRelease.cmd: PDB files could not be copi...
 DownloadDeps.cmd 2020-08-23 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [444883] Update frhed to 0.10904.2017.5
 ExpandEnvironmenStrings.vbs 2010-04-18 sdottaka sdottaka [657a2e] Apply my experimental code and fixes for Japane... 2019-08-25 Tim Gerundt Tim Gerundt [f790c1] Add global license file 2020-11-13 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [bcc016] Update
 SetVersion.cmd 2020-08-28 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [fe2dc1] Bump revision to 2.16.9
 UploadToVirusTotal.cmd 2017-10-21 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [0b9bce] - Upload releases to using Creat...
 Version.h 2020-08-28 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [fe2dc1] Bump revision to 2.16.9 2018-10-15 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [0ee331] Fix release build error (2)
 WinMerge.vs2017.sln 2020-11-01 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [a75adc] Fix a build error
 WinMerge.vs2019.sln 2020-11-01 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [6aa407] Syntax-highlighter-based comment filter (Fix os...
 appveyor.yml 2020-02-15 Takashi Sawanaka Takashi Sawanaka [73f4e2] appveyor.yml: Update InnoSetup to version 6.0.3
 clean.cmd 2010-04-18 sdottaka sdottaka [657a2e] Apply my experimental code and fixes for Japane...
 runastyle.bat 2009-10-21 Kimmo Varis Kimmo Varis [326d09] Add empty last line.

Read Me

WinMerge Source Code

Build status
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Translation status

WinMerge is an open source differencing and merging tool
for Windows. WinMerge can compare files and folders, presenting differences
in a visual format that is easy to understand and manipulate.


Visual Studio 2017

  • Community, Professional or Enterprise Edition
  • VC++ 2017 v141 toolset
  • Windows XP support for C++
  • MFC and ATL support
  • Windows 10 SDK

Visual Studio 2019

  • Community, Professional or Enterprise Edition
  • MSVC v142 Buildtools
  • C++ MFC for v142 Buildtools
  • Windows 10 SDK

Folder Structure

Source code for the WinMerge program, its plugins, filters, setup program,
and various utilities are all kept in the subfolders listed below.

The changelog file is in Docs/Users/ and it documents
both user-visible and significant changes.

Subfolders include:

  • Docs
    Both user and developer documentation, in different subfolders.
    Can be browsed by opening index.html in the Docs folder.

  • Src
    Source code to the WinMerge program itself.

  • Plugins
    Source code and binaries for WinMerge runtime plugin dlls & scripts.

  • Filters
    WinMerge file filters which are shipped with the distribution.

  • ArchiveSupport
    Source code for the Merge7z dlls, which connect WinMerge with 7-Zip.
    Also this folder is required to compile WinMergeU.exe.
    There is also a standalone installer for Merge7z dlls.

  • Externals
    This folder contains several libraries whose sources come from
    outside WinMerge project.
    They are stored here for convenience for building and possibly
    needed small changes for WinMerge.
    Libraries include an XML parser and a regular expression parser.

  • Installer
    Installer for WinMerge.

  • Tools
    Various utilities used by WinMerge developers; see readme files in each.

  • ShellExtension
    Windows Shell (Explorer) integration.
    Adds menuitems to Explorer context menu for comparing files and folders.

  • Testing
    A suite of test diff files and a script to run them and report the results.
    This folder also has a Google Test subfolder containing unit tests made
    with Google Test Framework.

  • Build
    This folder gets created by the compiler when WinMerge is compiled.
    It contains compiled executables, libraries, the user manual, etc.

  • BuildTmp
    This folder gets created by the compiler when WinMerge is compiled.
    It contains temporary files created during the compilation and can be
    safely deleted.